The recent layoffs have heightened my my feeling of insecurity and anxiety. Company I work for had a massive layoff and it’s the first I’ve ever experienced. I wasn’t impacted but can’t shake this feeling of insecurity.
I’m expecting a second kid and my wife isn’t working and I feel like I need to diversify my income but have never been entrepreneurial and don’t know where to start.
I have more than a couple years worth of savings. But this is partly due to not owning a house. Where I live the downpayment would consume most of those savings.
Ny wife wouldn’t be able to make high skilled wages unless she invested substantial time into upskilling which she doesn’t have at the moment.
How do I shake this feeling? Is there something I should be doing to protect myself besides what I’ve already ?
You have multiple years of savings. You have an in demand skill that won't go out of demand any time soon. You have enough fundamentals of that skill so if you had to switch from one language to another it wouldn't be a huge stretch. Sounds like you have yours and your wife's health. Also sounds like you don't have to worry about immigration problems from losing your job (not on an H1B or some other work permit).
This is what helped me when I was feeling anxious about losing my job due to immigration issues in the USA.
1. I continued to keep in contact once every 3 months, just saying hi, to previous co-workers. It's a system I learned here: Literally just saying "hi" and not asking for anything. This means I always have a warm network of people who'll gladly send me a job in case anything ever were to go wrong.
2. Because of #1, I'd have an inbound interview probably once every 3-4 months I would take. Most of the time I'd turn down the job, but it helped me emotionally know "I got this".
3. I paid off all my debts, cut up all my credit cards, and stopped borrowing money from anyone for any reason. Ya I'm losing some arbitrage opportunities. I don't care. I'm optimizing for psychological comfort.
If you have skills and relationships you will _always_ make money. Full stop. A lot of engineers only focus on the skills. Keeping relationships is VERY easy. EVERYONE is bad as proactively reaching out and saying hi to people so if you JUST spend five minutes a day proactively saying hi people WILL remember you.
You don't need to make new relationships, you just need to nurture the ones you have.