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What, precisely, are you saying is not true? You need a decentralized consensus mechanism in order to solve the double-spend problem, unless you've come up with something novel.

Trivially lying to the ledger makes that irrelevant.

And those transactions will fail. Please learn about a subject before speaking about it.

That’s an incredibly rude way to try to invite someone to a learn about a subject.

Having said that, I think that if these things are so obvious in your opinion, you haven’t considered real world scenarios.

Not GP, but you called it "trivially irrelevant", it didn't seem like you wanted to be invited to learn anything...

I said trivially lying, as in - the ease with which one can simply lie about the nature of a transaction.

People tend to respond that smart contracts are a solution. I personally think they will always contain bugs and are too complicated for the average person to vet.

In any case, I really wasn’t saying I think the whole subject is trivial. Pinky promise.

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