Justpaste.it is a page that offers exactly what you do - free, anonymous sharing of formatted pages, with images and all. Accessible at Tor, very lightweight.
Because it was so easy and anonymous, it started being used mostly by Islamic State to share their propaganda; so much that they needed to remove the "most popular" feature (as it was always either beheadings or other propaganda).
edit: ah, you have credit card info down. So it's not really as anonymous as justpaste.it, as the ISIS guys won't share their credit card. OK that can work.
Rentry and Txti.es have similar issues. Love those sites for giving me markdown-friendly alternatives to Pastebin for writing FAQs and guides and stuff, but man I cannot imagine what their spam/moderation is like.
Justpaste.it is a page that offers exactly what you do - free, anonymous sharing of formatted pages, with images and all. Accessible at Tor, very lightweight.
Because it was so easy and anonymous, it started being used mostly by Islamic State to share their propaganda; so much that they needed to remove the "most popular" feature (as it was always either beheadings or other propaganda).
edit: ah, you have credit card info down. So it's not really as anonymous as justpaste.it, as the ISIS guys won't share their credit card. OK that can work.