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Means you can close on the piece of property in the time it takes to do a KYC check, instead of the four months it takes on average in the UK.

There are other benefits too but that's the biggie.

No it can't. That four months is the time it takes the UK government to update its records and acknowledge a transfer of ownership. You can't subvert that, because for the UK to recognize you as the rightful owner of the land, they need to update their records. The government will look at their own records in the court of law, not your NFT.

If you’d like to inspect the contracts do please take a look at the Asset Passport linked from the NFT.

They explain exactly how the transfer is effected, and how and when the government land register is updated.

Anybody familiar with UK real estate law will find the mechanisms reasonably familiar from any property deal involving SPVs. (Special purpose vehicles)

The docs are all there for the reading.

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