>To maintain sanity, I have very few must-have plugins and the current vaults are all on "Minimal" themes with different color schemes making it easy for me to just toggle my Vaults. I once tried to maintain a common ".obsidian" folder and symlink to it but that was a bad idea - the vaults are better off mostly being unique with shared preferences.
My solution to maintaining seperate vaults for personal/work notes has been to make a sandbox vault where I can test/configure plugins and if I'm happy with the result I run a little script that I can point at a "real" vault that:
* backs up the current config of the target vault incase I screw up
* `rsync`s the sandbox .obsidian and meta folders (containing templater templates etc.) to the target vault
This leaves me free to experiment with plugins without getting in the way of my day-to-day notetaking.
This is indeed a good idea. I think I will make a template with changes to the OP's idea, make it simpler, add mine and I can have it as a starting template for my use.
My solution to maintaining seperate vaults for personal/work notes has been to make a sandbox vault where I can test/configure plugins and if I'm happy with the result I run a little script that I can point at a "real" vault that:
* backs up the current config of the target vault incase I screw up
* `rsync`s the sandbox .obsidian and meta folders (containing templater templates etc.) to the target vault
This leaves me free to experiment with plugins without getting in the way of my day-to-day notetaking.