- I'm pretty gung-ho to finish the first draft of my novel.
- I'll make as much progress as I can on my text adventure.
- I would love to update my Pico-8 z-machine "Status Line" to v3.0 to support said text adventure (add .z5, .z7, .z8 support). Then I can finally stop thinking about that project and mark it officially "done," bug-fixes notwithstanding. (https://christopherdrum.itch.io/statusline)
- If the Jai programming language releases, I'll definitely put time into it and that would likely supercede the below projects entirely.
- Continue with my C studies. My problem to date is I just haven't had anything I wanted to build. Now though, I think I'd like to take a stab at making a text adventure language/system just to deconstruct and understand how that process works. Inform6 is tethered to the past too much; Inform7 is simply not my cup of tea. I haven't been smitten by the other options (TADS, et al). This would more likely happen in 2024, if I'm honest with myself.
I self-published my first (and only so far) novel last year. It's an amazing feeling when you see your printed book. I still sometimes wonder to myself, "did I really do that?"
- I'll make as much progress as I can on my text adventure.
- I would love to update my Pico-8 z-machine "Status Line" to v3.0 to support said text adventure (add .z5, .z7, .z8 support). Then I can finally stop thinking about that project and mark it officially "done," bug-fixes notwithstanding. (https://christopherdrum.itch.io/statusline)
- If the Jai programming language releases, I'll definitely put time into it and that would likely supercede the below projects entirely.
- As a Pico-8 lover who is frustrated by some of its limitations, I'll tinker with Picotron now that "Picotron Playground" has launched. (https://www.lexaloffle.com/picotron.php?page=playground)
- Continue with my C studies. My problem to date is I just haven't had anything I wanted to build. Now though, I think I'd like to take a stab at making a text adventure language/system just to deconstruct and understand how that process works. Inform6 is tethered to the past too much; Inform7 is simply not my cup of tea. I haven't been smitten by the other options (TADS, et al). This would more likely happen in 2024, if I'm honest with myself.