Why is this not being questioned every single day in the news? Or on the floor of congress for that matter?
They found a loophole to putting cameras on every streetlight in the USA and pointing them at your front door - they will just keep them flying higher up with better optics.
Oh and it's warrantless too btw, no judicial review.
The future of America - warrantless searches at airports, train and bus stations, warrantless gps trackers on your car, warrantless cellphone tracking, warrantless email backdoors and warrantless drone spying on anyone domestically.
Nah the police would never abuse this and never use the millions in their endless "homeland security theater" budgets to get their own drones for every major city.
Yeah, it boggles my mind how easily the Constitution has been discarded in the US. I grew up thinking that was actually somewhat inviolate.
But it's not the future; it's already happened. Most US elected officials -- from former constitutional law professor Barry O. on down the line -- have passed blatantly unconstitutional legislation (kill US citizens with no trial, mandatory military detention of citizens suspected of terrorism with no recourse, etc etc etc bleaaahgh). And this guy:
The pragmatic takeaway is that you's better act like the USA is like the corporo-fascist police state dictatorship government of the B-movie scifi flicks you watched growing up. Because it mostly is.
I was really disheartened when I watched that Republican presidential debate a few months back, in which each candidate was asked about the tradeoffs between liberty and security. Aside from Ron Paul, every single candidate on the stage issued a blanket declaration that warrantless surveillance, detentions without due process, and various other infringements on the Constitution were not just acceptable tradeoffs, but necessary ones in the name of "security" (or, really, the mere appearance thereof).
By no means are the Republicans the only politicians party to this attitude, and I don't mean to single them out. But that particular debate really brought everything into alarming focus.
Discarding the liberties afford to US citizens by our founders, as laid down in the Constitution, will do more to destroy this country's greatness than any single act of terrorism ever could.
At first glance, it would seem flying a Predator over someone's property to do surveillance like in this article would be very, very similar to flying a police helicopter with similar thermal imaging systems.
However, I would never even think of shining a laser at the helicopter, directing an emp pulse towards it, or have my home-made drone attack it. I might have some thoughts about doing that to a flying camera.
Why is this not being questioned every single day in the news? Or on the floor of congress for that matter?
They found a loophole to putting cameras on every streetlight in the USA and pointing them at your front door - they will just keep them flying higher up with better optics.
Oh and it's warrantless too btw, no judicial review.
The future of America - warrantless searches at airports, train and bus stations, warrantless gps trackers on your car, warrantless cellphone tracking, warrantless email backdoors and warrantless drone spying on anyone domestically.
Nah the police would never abuse this and never use the millions in their endless "homeland security theater" budgets to get their own drones for every major city.