The Air Traffic Control meltdown we’re seeing (ask any airline pilot about the vaccine mandate’s effect on ATC and pilot early retirement/staffing) the shipping port mess in 2021, continuing supply chain transport issues, seemingly frequent train crashes — Shouldn’t Buttigieg be taking flak?
The FAA budget for example stated a priority for “equity” and inclusion. Shouldn’t the priority be air fucking safety? The FAA is a mess right now. And it’s Buttigieg’s fault. But at least we were able to spend millions changing “airmen” to “air missions” in the NOTAM system — all while doing nothing to actually fix the NOTAM system. Now the FAA also wants to stop people from using the term “cockpit” — not realizing that there is nothing in the history of that word that is “gendered.” Just stupidity and madness. JD Vance is right to hammer the administration: while DoT is worrying about gendered language, trains are derailing with toxic chemicals and planes are nearly crashing because of faulty ATC.
Of course. I don't doubt the scale of the disaster but it's very easy in the face of uncertainty for anyone to jump to conclusions without doing their due diligence, either due to some agenda or just inadvertently.