> Same here. I don't know if I retire or dive in deep. There's no really other way to sound other than alarmist.
It might be a blind-leading-the-blind situation, but I wonder if retiring will protect you. Could you imagine having gone into retirement in the early internet? Wouldn't you be really confused at how to use things today? Or maybe you would just learn most useful things passively as a consumer.
It feels like the gap between the people who can make and the people who consume is widening.
> This is the biggest revolution I've seen in my lifetime and it's going to make the PC, internet and smartphone a kids toy.
This coupled with everything else that's happening is all too much. Getting closer and closer to cheap/free energy (batteries, solar, fusion, wind, etc), AI/ML, Robotics...
To me it seems clear that most people are going to become a kind of peasant or serf, effectively "owned" by their techno-corporate silo. Programming as a human activity will resemble professional sports or writing: a handful of well-paid superstars and the rest of us mostly just watch/read (although of course we play sports and write, and basic computer literacy should be a thing, eh?)
This might not be so bad? As you've no doubt noticed, most people suffer from some combination of ignorance and stupidity. We can barely function. An earthquake happens and half the building fall down, despite (some) of us knowing how to build them so they don't do that. That's not a technical problem, it's a social problem, eh?
As far as technical problems go, we have pretty much solved "Life on Earth". In video game terms we beat the boss about a century ago (give or take a few decades) and now we're just sort of running around acting silly while the end credits scroll. Atomic power, materials science, etc. We licked it.
IF we employ these newfangled talking computers to tell us how to solve our problems, they will, and we can live happily ever after. (prompt: "What would Jesus do?") It doesn't matter that they're merely regurgitating the wisdoms of the ages, when the computer says it, maybe it will stick?
It might be a blind-leading-the-blind situation, but I wonder if retiring will protect you. Could you imagine having gone into retirement in the early internet? Wouldn't you be really confused at how to use things today? Or maybe you would just learn most useful things passively as a consumer.
It feels like the gap between the people who can make and the people who consume is widening.
> This is the biggest revolution I've seen in my lifetime and it's going to make the PC, internet and smartphone a kids toy.
This coupled with everything else that's happening is all too much. Getting closer and closer to cheap/free energy (batteries, solar, fusion, wind, etc), AI/ML, Robotics...