Credibility from what exactly? Having last year's most expensive mid-life crisis? He once had some credibility, no one will deny that. Respect is earned and lost.
I think him buying twitter was great. He is lightyears better than previous owners & management. He is also running two other companies doing extraordinary things in the world.
Of all the people you can hate on in the world, hating on Elon is to me very odd. Tall poppy syndrome I guess...
You're making it sound like this commenter has some nasty personal vendetta on Elon, when it's just that Elon's a goofy dude who keeps embarrassing himself in a very public way.
This isn't Tall Poppy syndrome. This is Sideshow Bob repeatedly walking into rakes and getting smacked in the face.
He makes way more mistakes than I would like as well. But he also has made a lot of fantastic decisions that IMO outweigh by magnitudes the annoying irreverence he displays.
By the way, I’m not excusing his behavior by saying this, but I’m pretty sure the irreverence is a complete response to the struggles and pain from non-stop attacks from fighting giants in the arena for years. Putting yourself out there, living in the arena, especially to the extent he has, is super hard. Most of us don’t have the courage. If you do, you’re welcome to enter it and try to be a better role model. The world needs it.
He tried to fire a disabled employee via a public tweet without speaking to them privately first, and then had to retract it. This is McDonalds McManager behavior, not CEO behavior.