I have yet to see a knife rampage in the US get that bad, correct me if I'm wrong. Let's up it to the Las Vegas shooting 2017 - killing 60 people and wounding at least 413. Also in the US I haven't seen a single person in a car attack that did that much havoc.
Why does it have to be all at the same time in a single rampage? Some killers do it over time. No guns required. Arsonists can kill dozens of people at the same time as well. No guns required. The point is the problem is the person not the tool.
If you think air travel hasn't become a much more restrictive process since then you are not keeping up with reality. We can't carry on peanut butter let alone a box cutter. We all get irradiated and scanned. There is a massive no fly list. I remember flying in 1999 and having relatives meet me at the gate which is a laughable idea now.
The utility of airplanes outweighs the utility of civilian firearms designed for assault/defense, or the two are at the very least incomparable. I don't believe that you don't believe this.