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I found that I have to consciously close my mouth and "tell myself" to breath only through my nose.

When I do this i sleep better.

You sleep better by consciously breathing through your nose at night? Or during the day?

Probably by falling asleep with their mouth closed so that they breathe through their nose for the night.

yes this

I know someone who has to make a "vacuum seal" with their mouth, that is, make some slight suction on the inside so that they won't drool in the night. Is it anything like that?

um... not consciously no.

I think its more just being mindful. Something i feel we could all benefit from doing more of.

> I think its more just being mindful. Something i feel we could all benefit from doing more of.

Absolutely, I'm always surprised by the lack of this in some people. Like are they not self-aware or concerned at all? Just floating through the world existing? Ignorance is bliss but I sure wouldn't want to live like that myself.

too much stimulation. the ways in which we are and can be stimulated are increasingly devisable and persistent. Information or stimulation addiction is a thing...

Hah, preaching to the choir here, ADHD brain that basically shuts down unless there is a constant supply of new and interesting stimuli. I usually can't even get enough, so I end up sleeping for 13 hours and then not even staying up for 8 afterwards. I literally need "stimulants" in order to even have a 24-hour schedule, lol.

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