You ask a lot controvertial things that have nothing to do with what I said, and appealing to feelings. Why?
Also, your questions are apparently laid in a way so everything has to fit in order to not accept a commit, or requiring to know exactly how many war crimes have been commited to answer about "the half". Asking many questions like that is a known tactic I don't appreciate.
I'm not talking about numbers, or "which is worst". I'm talking about a guy going to work knowing that his work can kill innocents (yes, even working in/for the US too), and having his patches accepted, as a contractor (or in the supply chain) for some army.
Not everything is good/bad, right/wrong. It's a very ingenuous way to look at the world, and there are a lot of conflicts going on right now (for example Are you tracking all of them? For the last 10 or 20 years too?
There is a huge difference between "[potentially] can kill innocents" and "deliberately kill civilians every day".
There is a lot of conflicts have been in the last 70 years indeed, but author (and your cite) says: "does not take similar measures against other countries who wage wars which have caused way more deaths and displacement of individuals" and I'm pointing that this is a false statement, because not author nor you can't name any one
Also, your questions are apparently laid in a way so everything has to fit in order to not accept a commit, or requiring to know exactly how many war crimes have been commited to answer about "the half". Asking many questions like that is a known tactic I don't appreciate.
I'm not talking about numbers, or "which is worst". I'm talking about a guy going to work knowing that his work can kill innocents (yes, even working in/for the US too), and having his patches accepted, as a contractor (or in the supply chain) for some army.
Not everything is good/bad, right/wrong. It's a very ingenuous way to look at the world, and there are a lot of conflicts going on right now (for example Are you tracking all of them? For the last 10 or 20 years too?