I wore glasses since I was a kid, for 15 years. Then a couple of years ago I had LASIK performed, and after a second touch up procedure I ended up with a "perfect" lens on my eye (according to three different doctors). So the LASIK was a success, I see as well without glasses now than with glasses before.
BUT, I never saw too great with my glasses before to begin with. I can totally have a normal life, but I need to be a lot closer (than people with a normal vision) to text to be able to read it. This affects me greatly on my day to day as I'm a developer, and I need to be staring at text on my screen all the time. I can work just fine (larger font, screen closer to me, etc) but the biggest problem of all is, I tend to get my head closer to the screen a lot to see smaller text, consciously or not, and I have ridiculous neck and back pain as a result. I've been suffering this already for a few years. I've been to several eye doctors and all say wearing glasses or more LASIK wouldn't make a difference since "my eye is OK", and of course I've gone to every kind of back expert on Earth. All agree it's a posture issue (doh!) and while a good massage is a relief, the relief doesn't last more than a few hours, so that's not helpful.
Has anyone gone/is going through the same? Any ideas what could I do to improve my vision?
I know all about "stop working every X time and do this and that exercise to relax your back", and would appreciate any "amazing and not-well-known exercises", but I'm mostly interested in improving my vision, if that's at all possible.
Thanks a lot.
I'm 29 and I wear contacts, even though glasses are better for computer work. I have a slight astigmatism in my left eye; so slight that it can't be corrected by contacts. As such, it strains my eyes to read tiny text. So what did I do? I bumped up my font size.
Let's use HN as an example. I'm on a 13" MacBook Air with a screen resolution of 1440x900. In Chrome I hit Command-Shift-+ four to five times to make the text comfortably readable. In Terminal, I use Anonymous Pro at 16-22 pt. I often use OS X's Ctrl-Zoom feature to make things bigger.
I use F.lux to change the white point all the way to tungsten (2700K) at night. Since I was a kid I constantly focus through objects towards the horizon to relax my muscles.
I do all of these things to help my eyes, because I strain them all day long looking at screens. And I'm still in my twenties!
So do yourself and your eyes a favor and make your text gigantic.