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I'm a huge 5/3/1 fan and have been thinking of building my own version of this!

Would you be open to contributions, instead? I'd love to at least add some design to the front-end

Definitely open to contributions, but I'll note that the barebones nature is mostly by design. I'm happy to take any usability improvements (of which I can imagine many!), but I don't want to introduce dependencies on design/component frameworks or even CSS libraries.

Generally, all the content for a day's lifts should fit on a single small mobile phone screen to make it dead simple to record a lift and then get to the next one.

Feel free to email me (address is on website in profile) or open an issue on the repo with ideas/requests, happy to chat more.

For sure, I agree - not a fan of bloated N-million JavaScript library front-ends. I was just thinking bare CSS that does some little visual niceties.

Will follow up on GH. Thanks!

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