It isn't bad if you are in an objectively bad marriage ofc. But if you're in a marriage that "can be worked out" then yeah it's a bad thing, for the kids especially. There is definitely something to be said about making things work because there is no easy "out" called divorce.
In a healthy society, divorce should be difficult, expensive, and rare. Social incentives should be structured to make it less appealing than working on the marriage. Conversely, marriage and children within marriage should be incentivized by law and social programs. It may such policies are unworkable in our present configuration.
There are lots of bad outcomes in a marriage, but many marriages aren't given much of a chance.Anyone who has been successfully married after decades can tell you that it's ups and downs and takes work and there are many moments when you might want to give up. This culture encourages people to cut bait when things aren't fulfilling the spouse. But that's just more of the same individualistic attitudes that Psychodynamics helped create support for. When you enter into a marriage you are less an individual, when you have children, you are even less an individual. It shouldn't be so easy to divorce and there shouldn't be a whole industry that tries to make it easier. This idea that you can detach from your commits to family because you're "unhappy" is insidious and has too many perverse incentives to list here. Predatory industries like therapy are particularly distasteful because they clothe themselves in virtue when they are actually extreme toxic to the culture at large. That culture, if allowed to be healthy, would obviate the perceived need for most therapy (outside of seriously disordered people). Such needs would be supplied by extended family and friends.
IRL, divorce is devastating for everyone involved, especially the children. I believe therapists diagnose divorce and breakups in general so often because it eases their conscience a bit. You can see this same reasoning with abortion and such topics.
A divorced therapist is like a dentist with bad teeth or a tee-totaling drug-dealer. Can't trust any of 'em.
Staying together when you hate each other is much worse. Sometimes divorce is just the best out of several bad options.
(BTW, what is bad about teetotaling for a drug dealer? "Don't get high on your own supply" has allegedly been a credo for them since basically forever)
Hating each offer to the point of violence? Sure. But that’s now his this works IRL. That’s why there is the common movie trope of the wife leaving her husband gif the therapist.
People divorce cus they “fall out of love” and, since society today puts self-interest, especially if its related to sex, above all else, and the nuclear family is seen as worthless and “problematic”, people ignore any evidence against their politically correct sheepish opinions.
On your second question, drug dealers often start dealing to support their habit. Only in movies will you get that line. Y’all live such incredibly sheltered lives.
Stay together for the kids. Once they leave the nest, sleep with all the therapists you want. But to pretend like divorce is anything but cringe and pathetic is twice as cringe.