The article raises some interesting issues. I've solo written my fair share of prototype or rush-to-market code that tens of millions of dollars of revenue became dependent upon and then had to deal with criticism over how I wrote it years later from guys who really wouldn't have gotten hired if I hadn't hacked the hell out of things in the first place to close the deal and get the money flowing.
That said, when I look across the spectrum of developer types from those who feel too much ownership of their code vs. those who take no ownership of their code -- I find the latter to be more common.
These days, when I'm advising junior developers on how to make their mark while getting better at their craft; I lean more toward stressing their need to take ownership of the code they write and the projects they work on.
I'd agree more with another poster in this thread, agentultra, who stressed learning to accept criticism -- rather than this article's seeming recommendation of avoiding association with your own work.
> ...rather than this article's seeming recommendation of avoiding association with your own work.
I'm not sure how you read into this. I certainly wasn't intending for that statement. Code can be a medium of expression but it usually is a means to end (a working solution). I don't think there's anything wrong in someone taking pride in a solution. It's when their pride holds them back from improving or worse, not even attempting due to the inevitable criticism that will follow. I don't see them mutually exclusive, you just need a healthy dose of humility.
> That said, when I look across the spectrum of developer types from those who feel too much ownership of their code vs. those who take no ownership of their code -- I find the latter to be more common.
I'm sure there are many developers who just to clock in and clock out, however I'm also guessing there is a good portion who want to take ownership but are afraid of the risk of criticism. And fear it for the wrong reason.
Fine line to walk, isn't it? Taking ownership of your code would seem to be pretty closely related to taking pride in your work, and the motivations that entails. Having worked with and for $BIG_COMPANIES I would have to agree with your observation that the majority of developers are not, uh, enjoying a personal association with the fruits of their labour, and it shows.
Maybe own it till you're proud of it, then let it go! Schedules don't always allow every codule to be the shining star in your portfolio, but there should maybe be pride to be had in a really dirty hack done on an insane deadline ^_^
That said, when I look across the spectrum of developer types from those who feel too much ownership of their code vs. those who take no ownership of their code -- I find the latter to be more common.
These days, when I'm advising junior developers on how to make their mark while getting better at their craft; I lean more toward stressing their need to take ownership of the code they write and the projects they work on.
I'd agree more with another poster in this thread, agentultra, who stressed learning to accept criticism -- rather than this article's seeming recommendation of avoiding association with your own work.