When you click on a piece of work on /browse/ it takes you directly into the "gallery view" for that piece, rather than to the artist's profile page. This is a bit jarring. I would consider taking users to the artist's profile first and letting them enter the gallery view from there.
Thanks for the feedback. It actually used to work that way, but users were telling us that they wanted to go directly to the image that the clicked on. We'll work on a happy solution.
Two more comments:
I was about to email you about it when I noticed you actually have something about gift cards on your website. Make it more prominent! I think gifts would be really awesome here, but you make it so hard to find :)
Also, it'd be nice if you could somehow give an example of artists' price ranges. I don't know if I'll be paying $15, $50, $500, or $1000, and especially for someone new to art commissions, this could be a point of serious confusion.
Either way, awesome idea. I really hope this takes off. Consider me a hopeful future customer!
When you click on a piece of work on /browse/ it takes you directly into the "gallery view" for that piece, rather than to the artist's profile page. This is a bit jarring. I would consider taking users to the artist's profile first and letting them enter the gallery view from there.