A nice gesture but it's truly amazing what Bioware managed to accomplish with a supposedly AAA title. The writing was so bad it overwhelmed any possible positives the game had. I had to stop playing after a few hours. It sounds like it was written by a grade schooler. Normally a statement like that would be hyperbole but I want to emphasize that I mean it quite literally. I've tutored middle schoolers on writing and they didn't produce garbage this bad.
I didn't even bother buying or even looking up ME3 after ME2 ending. Giant captain terminator ? Genetic paste ? "Shooting the glowing circles" ? ME1 was a solid game with a cool universe/lore and it looked like it could be a introduction to a very interesting SF series and the story could go so many ways. Then EA happened. And what they did with Dragon Age 2 was unbelievable, even by EA standards. Bioware was once a great company.