Compounding the trouble, Casey Hudson, the series' mastermind, did tons of press wherein he describes the game as having several endings that will vary significantly based on the player's decisions. He claimed that it wouldn't be as simple as being able to say "I got ending A, B or C." So that sets expectations pretty high.
The reality was that at the end of the game, you walk to one of three areas, and then get ending A, B, or C.
Casey Hudson 17.05.2011
"More personal or more moral choices about how to deal with things… those things will ultimately affect part of the end game, which is pretty amazing."
"If you really build a lot of stuff and bring people to your side and rally the entire galaxy around you, and you come into the end game with that, then you’ll get an amazing, very definitive ending."
Claim unwavering dedication throughout all three games would allow the most hardcore fans to get an "amazing" ending and then not delivering?
The reality was that at the end of the game, you walk to one of three areas, and then get ending A, B, or C.