Thought experiment: Would an email sending service that sends email for 42% of the domains globally that send through a transactional service [1] possibly exist on today's internet if it _wasn't_ incredibly good at blocking spam?
The DEFCON presenter makes the assertion that you can set up a spamming operation for $80/mo, but has he tried?
It's incredibly infuriating to read your replies here. You clearly don't care at all about email security, you don't take responsibility for your mistakes, and you have the GALL to comment like this. Awful.
Most drugs are not legal, still they exist.
The examples in the slides show that your company allowed spam. Why is it so tough to admit a mistake? We all do sometimes misconceptions, some even at scale.
SendGrid send roughly 8% of all internet email. At their scale, controlling abuse is extremely difficult. Gmail originates a huge amount of spam and phishing. The bigger you are, the more spammers will work to target you and the harder you have to work to fight back against them.
The DEFCON presenter makes the assertion that you can set up a spamming operation for $80/mo, but has he tried?