and Upwork. Although after the torrent of AI powered garbage we received after our latest posting on Freelancer, I'm not sure we will use that again.
Thank you. I have side question for you. Sorry, all this thread coincides with another thread about LinkedIn and me getting banned without knowing why ( As a job recruiter looking for freelancers, do you expect to find the person on LinkedIn as part of the fact checking process? Would you seriously consider alternating sites such as a person’s website or GitHub and would you find the person a suspect if their LinkedIn profile does not exist ?
Sorry to hear about your Linkedin profile. Yes, we do look at Linkedin profiles for shortlisted candidates. It helps to establish credibility and for us to get an idea of whether the claimed previous experience is legitimate.
We do also ask for Github, but many folks use other repositories. Linkedin is one of the best sources of credibility for us, so I would recommend continuing to try to get it unbanned, or start a new one.