This includes long-term goals, short-term goals, daily planning, TODO lists, reviews, your everyday workflow, and so on.
Over the years I've experimented with several different systems. Simple TODO lists, OKRs, a single ascii huge text file with daily schedules and a few templates, emacs org-mode, and now I am using Obsidian. But I've never been full satisfied with any of the systems. Looking back, the large plain text file was probably the best overall, but org-mode also had some really nice features for scheduling and tracking.
you dont't organize eating, sleeping, shtting, loving,... Did you ever forgot to eat or hug your beloved one and organize a birthday party for your wife / children / whoever?
so why do you want to "organize" the other aspects of your life?
The only things i need to push me forward in the important aspects of my life are values*.
The values are working like a compass and pushing me fully "from self" in the right directions.
If one value is punctuality then you will find a natural way to reach this value.
If the Value is your own and it is real, then you will find various ways to reach it.
So go and look out for the real important values in your life. If you need "lists" or "organisation tricks" to reach goals, then, maybe, these goals are not your own goals.
Find them and the rest will follow :)