Here we have all these free-market-libertarian tech execs asking for more regulation! They say they believe regulation is "always" terrible -- unless it's good for their profits. In that case, they think it's actually important and necessary. They remind me of Mr. Burroughs in the movie "Class:"
Mr. Burroughs: "Government control, Jonathan, is anathema to the free-enterprise system. Any intelligent person knows you cannot interfere with the laws of supply and demand."
Jonathan: "I see your point, sir. That's the reason why I'm not for tariffs."
Mr. Burroughs: "Right. No, wrong! You gotta have tariffs, son. How you gonna compete with the damn foreigners? Gotta have tariffs."
Mr. Burroughs: "Government control, Jonathan, is anathema to the free-enterprise system. Any intelligent person knows you cannot interfere with the laws of supply and demand."
Jonathan: "I see your point, sir. That's the reason why I'm not for tariffs."
Mr. Burroughs: "Right. No, wrong! You gotta have tariffs, son. How you gonna compete with the damn foreigners? Gotta have tariffs."