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The App Store, 3 years later: Apple just doesn't care. (kswizz.com)
73 points by kenneth on April 7, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 40 comments

If I were forced to reduce the entire problem of tech punditry down to a single sentence, I think I'd try this: "Internet time", the incredibly-accelerated pace of everything, is a modern myth, a lie we tell ourselves. In fact, meaningful change takes time, perhaps as much time as it always has.

Three years? Come back in, say, seven more years. By then maybe we'll know if Apple's store has a systemic, unsolveable problem or is just suffering growing pains from its overwhelming flood of success. Half a million apps and billions of downloads: It's a wonder that the system isn't considerably worse than it was a few years ago. Just think of how much stuff has needed to be scaled out and scaled up. They're probably running as fast as they can just to remain in place.

Apple's "problem" is that they have a fairly small team that can only accomplish so much at one time, and yet they allow that team to invent bold new things that are minimally functional, then release them, then succeed so overwhelmingly that it's a struggle to keep up with the traffic. But does anyone have a better idea? This is what innovation looks like.

    "Internet time", the incredibly-accelerated pace of 
    everything, is a modern myth, a lie we tell ourselves
I wouldn't call it a lie, because software scales better than humans do.

When you're saying "half a million apps and billions of downloads" it's as if Apple themselves worked on those apps and all of those downloads were manually packaged by Apple employees in envelopes, signed by Ive and sent by postal office. Well, actually, the number of downloads is irrelevant.

And if Apple can't handle the approval of those million apps, maybe that's because they've dug themselves into a corner by trying to force an asinine policy that doesn't even work for its intended purpose anyway.

As I read it, you're positing two things:

1) It's effortless to build an infrastructure that handles reviewing half a million apps and hosting billions of downloads, and to scale up to those levels from nothing.

2) The app store review process doesn't serve its intended purpose.

If that interpretation's correct, how do you support those assertions?

#1 is demonstrably false, given the effort that many companies exert to handle reviewing and approving numerous kinds of content, and then vending that content to consumers around the world. Netflix, Amazon, Microsoft, Apple, and Google are just a few companies that have large chunks of their organization devoted to approving content (be it movies, ads, apps, or ebooks) and then supporting the systems which host and vend that content around the world. Both are non-trivial problems and difficult things to scale at those magnitudes. To claim otherwise is disingenuous.

I'd also claim that #2 is false. Malware is not a problem on the App Stores, and I feel eminently confident as a consumer that I can trust apps purchased on Apple's App Stores. As a developer, the review process has caught bugs in my apps before they've hit my users, and they've also been quick to approve updates that address urgent bugs that slipped past both my and their testing. You may disagree with some of their policies and the review process does make mistakes, but I don't believe you can assert they're largely ineffectual or incompetent, nor do I believe you can claim the process doesn't offer benefits to consumers. What other software store is as confidently and easily used by consumers around the world?

it's as if… all of those downloads were manually packaged by Apple employees in envelopes

Sure, that part does scale. The fact that scalable processes can scale is not a myth. The myth comes in when we get so dazzled by those awesome new scalable processes that we handwave away the distinction between that which scales, and that which does not.

When you speed up one portion of a process you don't speed up the process, you just move the bottleneck. The slowest and most expensive part of shipping an app used to be printing and mailing disks. Now it's App Store reviews. [1] Or producing documentation. Or deciding whether the buttons work better on the left or the right. Or the volume of calls to your support line, or posts to your online FAQ. In whole sectors of publishing the bottleneck is marketing: Your book, movie, app, or platform can't grow faster than the number of people who can be convinced to buy it, and convincing people is a very human-scale process; to build trust requires attention, and attention is not a scalable resource. Despite modest advances in brain-enhancing drugs, we still think and feel at about the same rate as ever, and despite advances in font technology the number of words we can read per waking hour is about the same as it was two hundred years ago.


[1] Of course, the rate of shipping app updates depends on the speed of the review process, but the first derivative of the rate of shipping app updates depends on the rate at which new reviewers can be hired and trained, and that is even more of a human-scale process.

They are running out of places to stuff all their bags of money, but yet they "have a fairly small team"? Hiring is tough, I know, but it's a lot easier when you can pay about whatever you need to to get talent.

Hiring is one problem you just can't throw money at in order to solve.

My time in contracting work would argue against your point. 0-250 people in 30 days? No problem.

You're kidding! Would love to hear more about this point.. specifically including an address to the quandaries suggested in Mythical Man Mont.

I think there are four major points in this issue:

1) Bodies (or as we used to call them "cheeks in seats")

2) Qualifications

3) Quality

4) Non-linear scaling of work output.

When you deal with very large contracts, like say for the government, the customer is interested in two things: #1 and #2. #2 is viewed as a proxy, or a logical result for #3. And #4 is not well understood inside of most large organizations to this day as people are considered the same as equipment.

Six Sigma (6S) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Six_sigma) is more often than not the strategy used in these kinds of organizations.

To that end, if you consider a beer bottling factory, you can linearly scale the operation if you simply add more lines to the process. Substitute "equipment" for "bodies" in #1, #2 is the make and model of the equipment and #3 is irrelevant if #2 is correct and #4 is possible under these constraints and according to 6S, if done properly will linearly scale your output at no loss to quality.

What happens is that 6S is then applied to the world of people in big projects because we lack the management tools to measure and monitor large programs and 6S is as close as we get. Most important in this milieu is that what is measured (I'm being a bit reductionist in this statement but meh...) is purely the number of equipment (bodies) by the work output (lines of code/reports/successful missions/etc.) with very little assessment done on quality.

People are hired based almost entirely on resume bullet points. Usually with a cursory phone interview and if you're lucky a face-to-face interview so you can ask them to recite their resume bullet points and make sure they aren't crazy people. There is usually no other test. If you hire a person, so long as they don't violate some workplace rule, they fulfill #2. The only real determinant in who you hire is that the resume fills most of the checkboxes that the client has laid out during the program competition phase a year or more ago. Are they missing some points? There's usually a process where the resume is floated up to the client and they usually just sign some waivers that "yes yes, #1 is more important than #2 and we're willing to accept a minor negative in #3" so that the hiring agent doesn't get in trouble.

When a more senior manager wants to know how shop XYZ is performing with the 150 new people they just added to the contract, the report is invariably full of bar charts and numbers about such things, often with the important figures on different slides and almost no analysis that would demonstrate that the scaling is not working linearly. "We answered k requests for reports" on one slide "we are at 93% of hiring strength" on another and yet on another "we need an increase in budget for labor category q1.3 as we've had 50% turnover in that sort of position" etc. And that's more or less how the weekly or bi-weekly program management review PMR will go.

If all of the boxes are checked, the PMR was successful. If there were unchecked boxes, say "we are at 91% hiring strength instead of the goal of 93%" there will be hell to pay. Even if the 91% is more effective (produces more output) than the desired 93% because the quality is not under consideration because the bodies have met the qualifications for their position.

These are very manufacturing oriented metrics completely without regard to the nature of the work under consideration and they are used almost universally in large organizations when they need to quickly accomplish #1.

Now why does this happen? Why are potentially poor candidates hired? Anybody who's hired enough people knows that #2 is often a falsehood. People will put down any sort of crap on their resume. You have to vet people, often through some kind of testing process to hopefully ensure quality -- even if that doesn't always work, it's something. Some companies use education as a proxy for some of this: as in "you must have graduated from Harvard, Yale, Brown or Stanford for consideration". But the god honest truth is that in most of these organizations, the need to put cheeks in seats outweighs the desire to put quality people in the seats. Why? Subtle quality signals get lost when reported in aggregate to management, and thus management only cares about the kinds of things that aggregate information tells them. Your boss's boss's boss's boss wants 150 people on that contract yesterday so they can start realizing the revenue from the contract. By the time it gets to you, and your success/failure gets back up to him, the only thing that matters is that you push as close to 100% as possible. Not that you just hired a guy who can fit a chess playing algorithm inside of 12k of memory on an Amstrad CPC. Or somebody who speaks 12 languages fluently because the contact only requires that they know 2.

On the other side of the equation, when you win a contract and have to plus up on hiring 1200 people inside of six months, you will accomplish this or you will loose the contract. 1200 people is more important than 1200 fully qualified, high quality people.

And finally #4. As most people know #4 is still not well understood. I mean most people notionally understand that you don't just add twice as many people to a project to finish it twice as fast. But there are subtle unsolved problems with this. For example, can you produce twice as much in the same amount of time with twice as many people? How about, "well how many people do I need to add to double output/halve production time".

If these fundamental questions don't have solid answers, organizations will attempt to solve them by throwing metric tons of money at them because that will give the appearance of solving it. Subtly in the higher ranks of the organization, they will ensure that the information reported to them will ensure that it looks like it solves it.

I'm not saying this is right, but money does in fact solve hiring. From the organization's standpoint they need to triple their output? They hire 3x the number of people. How much does this cost in salary per person? Supply that much money.

Output didn't triple? Add more people!


Your specific claim would only make sense to me if I could think of an actual reason (other than a systematic mindset problem) they it could take 3 years for Apple to change improve these things.

Sure, the Internet community is a bit impatient, but it's also true that it's quite possible to make drastic improvement in a lot less than 3 years.

It's very slow and difficult to change something that is working. It is even more difficult to change something that is both working and growing like gangbusters. And the larger something grows, the harder it is to change.

(Ironically, things with no customers are easy to change. And things that are obviously broken are also easy to change: It's broken, the worst that can happen is that it becomes twice as broken, so just go for it.)

There's a famous aphorism attributed to Napoleon: "Never interrupt your enemy while he is making a mistake." Rule zero of systems engineering is the inverse of this: Never interrupt yourself while you're succeeding. Do not kill the golden goose.

So, the first thing that has to happen for Apple to make significant changes in their process is that they have to stop succeeding so darn much. While the App Store is working they're unlikely to change the process. And, indeed, it doesn't seem like much has changed: They've fixed obviously broken things like months-long review wait times (as I said above, fixing obviously-broken things is relatively easy) but they haven't really changed the fundamental game plan. Why should they? It's raining money.

There are several reasons why it takes so long to improve working things:

Entire companies are built on the existing Apple model, broken as it may be. Break their revenue stream and these companies will scream and yell.

It's easier to swim with the tide of institutional inertia than against it. If you have to hire one hundred new App Store reviewers per month, those people need to be trained. There is (at least at first) no textbook for that job, or perhaps the manual is two years out of date. And nobody reads manuals anyway. And some important parts of any job are not written down anywhere. So the new folks will learn by watching over the shoulders of existing App Store reviewers. And so it goes: As things scale up, it becomes easier and easier to let the existing culture maintain itself, bolting on new parts as necessary, rather than try to change that culture.

When you want to change a working thing, it's not enough to show that your new version works. You must also demonstrate that it's a significant improvement over what you're doing now. This can take a lot of time. Science is patient work. If you're lucky you can run continuous A/B tests of small changes, and thereby gradually inch your way forward to a brighter future, but how do you A/B test App Store features when the developer community has a clue and a forum? Offer a feature to one developer on Monday, and by Tuesday night all the others will be at your metaphorical gate with metaphorical torches and pitchforks, demanding the feature for themselves. You have to go very slowly. It pays to do so below the radar.

> Apple just doesn’t care about its third-party developers

I think Apple simply cares more about end users than third-party developers. Third-party developers are a means to an end (selling more hardware), not an end themselves (except insofar as developers are also users). I don't think that means that Apple as a company doesn't care about third-party developers. I think they clearly do. I just think they tend to side with users when there is a choice of making one group happy over the other. You can see this with new OS versions (faster deprecation cycles, api changes, etc). Contrast with companies you tend to think of that favor keeping third-party developers (and companies) happy over users.

There is always a balance I think. The author even notes the "UDID Fiasco"[1]. This sure was a pain from an ad network point of view (it sure did make for a rough week at $dayjob), but as a consumer I was pleased. It was a while coming too, so it isn't like it was a surprise.

[1]: The author of the article appears to work for chartboost, which runs a mobile ad network.

Completely agree. This might explain why Apple didn't act on some of the "issues" raised by the OP:

- "Junk Apps": As someone mentioned below, this one's really unreasonable. "Junk" is subjective, and even if it's not, who's to decide which app should be removed?

- "[App Reviews] are nearly always of terrible quality": Again, what is Apple supposed to do here? Let the developers chose which reviews should be displayed for their apps? Impose a minimum number of characters for a review? Non of this makes much sense to me.

- "Ringtone Apps": I really, really don't get this one. Maybe it makes sense from a developer point of view, but for a user point of view, I don't see what's wrong with apps prices decreasing.

- "Customer Data is hidden": Uh? As a consumer, I'm happy about this one.

Concerning the App Review paragraph, I can't say much, except that the complaints seem more reasonable.

Anyway, I can understand the OP's opinion, but I think it's unfair to say that Apple doesn't care about developers. They probably care about developers (they do realize that the app store and app developers are central to the iphone's succes), but they care more about end users. And if they have to make a choice, they'd probably try to satisfy consumers over developers.

Not carrying about third-party developers directly hurts end-users, so I don't follow this logic.

     Third-party developers are a means to an end 
     (selling more hardware)
That's not related to the other point you made. Keeping end-users happy is also about selling more hardware.

     I don't think that means that Apple as a company 
     doesn't care about third-party developers
Well of course there are shades of gray, as always.

     I just think they tend to side with users when 
     there is a choice of making one group happy over the
I don't see a conflict between end-users and developers in regards to the points raised in the article, except maybe the UDID deprecation.

Would it hurt end-users in any way if the developers were able to reply to their reviews? Would it hurt end-users if the developers were able to push paid upgrades instead of having to create different apps?

Many, I dare say even the vast majority, of the problems with Apple's App Store are not cases where Apple has favored users over developers, but rather cases where fixing the problem would help both users and developers. Thus, IMO, this idea that it's all because Apple cares more about the users simply does not fly.

It’s worth noting that Apple has at least attempted to address many of these concerns. Rate on delete is gone and they’ve added “Top Grossing”. These days app reviews usually take a week.

Of course the app store is still filled with junk apps, there are no paid updates, search is still broken and iTunes Connect is still a mess.

iTunes itself remains a mess. I often change the audio books I sync to my iPhone. In iTunes, I cannot efficiently select audio books since after each click, iTunes pauses for 5-10 seconds including the usual spinning wait cursor. I am wondering if Apple will ever be able to release a version of iTunes with acceptable performance and a GUI for more than one task as a time.

I kind of wish that Apple rolled the various 'stores' into a more unified interface, and did something like they did with quicktimeX for itunes (ituneX? ha).

I think it may be more possible now that they are starting to rely/focus on icloud for various things (backups, match, sync). There is still a close relation between syncing media with iDevices via itunes though, so I can see how unifying stores outside of itunes would be challenging and possibly confusing to many end users.

I really would like to see itunes becomes lighter and more usable though.

Top Grossing is a nice idea in theory but in practice it just seems to reward the people with the most successful scammy IAP schemes.

There’s no way to contest or respond to an erroneous review. There’s not even a way to respond to a review saying there’s a problem with the app with a solution, or a "that’s coming in the next update—hang tight."

As both a developer and user, that's one of my main complaints with the Android market as well. Is there a good reason to not allow this that I'm overlooking?

Here's a gem of a review I received. Contested it with Apple and got nowhere :/ Very frustrating.


It is horrible when you don't provide enough information on the app description, or on their (garbage) website; and let people believe that this may be able to check other (e.g. gmail) accounts. I think they should have clearly written: CHECK YOUR REDDIT ACCOUNT).

I will give 4-5 stars if that was the case, this is a request to the program developer to work around and make a useful little application. I am very frustrated.

The app's name?

Reddit Notifier http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/reddit-notifier/id468366517?m...

It seems that I may be in the minority, but I contested a 1 star written review because it was obvious that the reviewer didn't read the description and didn't even try the app before reviewing it badly. I reported it to Apple, stated my reasoning and within a day or two that review was removed. It was for this app: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/basketball-shot-tracker-hd/id...

Granted I only did this once, but I think that since it was a clear cut case, Apple quickly removed that poor review.

I successfully contested a customer review that was basically a text dump of promo codes I had posted elsewhere. But had no luck with the review I posted above, where I think it was obvious the review never read the description. Your milage may vary I guess, just like with app reviews.

I still miss trial versions. And downloads have recently become rather slow …

Reviews are mostly useless except for actual paid apps. Reviews for 'free' apps (usually with ads or in-app purchases) are mostly worthless:


I do believe that when implemented properly by a developer, in-app purchasing can lead to a pseudo trial versions of apps. There is an implementation that I have used in an app that hasn't had anything, but good responses from users. Users are able to try out the vast majority of the features in a "trial." Even after the "trial" is over, most of the features are still accessible to users.

If you want to check out our use of in app, check out the app here: Basketball Shot Tracker HD http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/basketball-shot-tracker-hd/id...

This blog is very well designed.

Thanks, much appreciated.

As an aside, I just posted about my redesign and my motivations behind it: http://kswizz.com/post/20668660473/redesign

FYI, in Chrome 18.0.1025.151 on Windows 7, your header (the crown, your name, and the slogan) stays in place when scrolling, obscuring the text. I don't know if other Chrome users are seeing this or not. (This behavior doesn't occur in IE on my machine).

Should be good now if you reload, right? I've been messing with the javascript trying to add a lightbox and accidentally pushed a syntax error.

"Great design is as little design as possible."

Aesthetically and as a portfolio it looks great, as a blog the header a bit distracting and gets in the way of the content.

I was expecting more blow by boo coverage for the original post. Apple really had done a lot to smooth the process for app developers. Apps are getting review much quicker than before. With in-app purchases you can sell additional features in your upgrade, thus making those new features paid upgrades. I'm sure the charts algorithms are more complex than just pure download numbers, even normalized for time. The only real problems I see still are not being able to respond to unfair/untruthful reviews.

Completely off-topic before reading the post: This guy's blog has a ridiculously tempting design.

I noticed the problem with iTunes connect has been fixed. It is actually much, much better than it used to be.

His most basic complaint is BS.

There are 98% junk apps out there, he says. First, what's junk for one might be handy for another. Second, if Apple was to eliminate even 10% of this 98%, everybody would be screaming "censorship". Does he seriously suggest Apple remove 98% of apps (some 500.000+ apps) from the App Store?

I also don't see what the "recent UUID fiasco" is. If anything it's allowing it in the first place, and not the deprecating of it now as he seems to suggest.

Also Apple has taken lots of steps to make app reviews faster and more transparent.

As for "Top Apps Charts: These charts have so much effect on whether an application gets noticed and downloaded that whether you show up on these charts can decide the fate of your application."

Is that a gripe or just an observation? I fail to see how it can be a gripe --except as "sour grapes".

The only relevant points are those about paid updates and maybe promotions. Paid updates would be very useful.

Hey, author here.

I just want to explain myself here. My most basic complaint is not that there are a lot of junk apps, nor am I suggesting that Apple remove them from the App Store. I'm merely pointing out that it's a problem, and causes problems for legitimate developers in the same way that newsletter clutter makes it hard to read emails from human beings when your inbox has 10,000 emails.

I think this would not be an issue if the App Store's search functionality was not piss-poor, and if Apple had better discovery mechanisms in place for people to find the gems, which often are not present on the top charts. Hopefully the Chomp acquisition will help with that.

The other thing I want to point out is that I'm not posting the list as a current list of complaints, more as a way to point out how sad it is that 3 years later, only two of these complaints have been addressed: rate-on-delete, and outrageous review times.

Sorry, you invalidated your entire article with the last paragraph, which this has nothing to do with how the app store is managed and everything to do with the axe you have to grind with the very concept of a successful corporate enterprise.

"The App Store’s biggest flaw, at the end of the day, is that it is not a free market. It is not a meritocracy, and app success is slave to the whim of a corporate overlord that changes it mind without explanation more often than a 5 year old."

If I were Apple, after reading that I wouldn't give you the time of day.

Thanks for taking time to respond.

>I just want to explain myself here. My most basic complaint is not that there are a lot of junk apps, nor am I suggesting that Apple remove them from the App Store. I'm merely pointing out that it's a problem, and causes problems for legitimate developers in the same way that newsletter clutter makes it hard to read emails from human beings when your inbox has 10,000 emails.

I agree that it's a problem too, but I consider it to be a problem akin to democracy, i.e it doesn't always lead to the best result, but the alternative is even worse.

I think this would not be an issue if the App Store's search functionality was not piss-poor, and if Apple had better discovery mechanisms in place for people to find the gems, which often are not present on the top charts.

I think a lot of people make those decisions based on third party reviews and app review sites, though.

With 500,000 apps it would be very difficult to do something about it, considering that great masses of people might even like shitty apps over some gems (like great masses of people prefer the latest bullshit blockbuster over Inception, or NCIS over FireFly).

A solution would be for apple to allow 3rd party apps and crowdsource ratings well, then have an app store tied to the warranty that contained things that apple was happy with.

It's worth pointing out that Apple also acquired Chomp, the app discovery startup, a few months ago...you'd hope they acquired them to bring some of that knowledge into the app store.

I think what he probably means is that, despite a draconian review policy, 98% of the app store is junk. Like seriously junk. Like fart apps junk.

So this means that they aren't reviewing for app quality.

How about bugs?

"Updates: Updates take ages to get approved. They sometimes get rejected while being only a bug-fix update to an app that got approved. (This has happened to me.) And even when they get approved, it takes forever, possibly leaving some critical bug or crash in your application and costing you tons of negative reviews and ratings."

So not really for bugs.

And on down the list till it appears the only things they are looking for are scams, undocumented API usage and similar other junk.

It's not that these things aren't worth reviewing for, but it'd probably be better for everyone (Apple included) if Apple was simply overt about this and didn't mess around with the rest of the stuff.

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