I asked you to be specific about who and why and you still have not done that.
I am getting from this that you aren't keen on schooling based on conformism and that you believe Arab schools teach conformism. Leaving aside the question of whether that position has merit, what would you do with that information?
Would you ban immigration by Arabs? From Arabic countries? By people educated in Arabic schools, who may not be Arabs and may not come from Arabic countries? What about ethnic minorities in Arabic countries like the Kurds in Iraq, who maintain a parallel school system? What about individuals schooled in conformance-centric religious schools in the US, or in non-Arab conformist cultures like Japan?
Dock points for countries with different alphabets, bad educational systems, bad research & development, etc, give extra points if they can prove "extra curriculars" that align with the local values, for example volunteering, civic action, etc. Oh, give extra points if the countries have strong ties to the EU, economic and otherwise. For example trade agreements, cultural exchange programs, etc.
Send back every illegal economic migrant. Saw a comment recently about a Guinean that was in Tunisia (safe country), Algeria (safe), Switzerland (safe), France (safe), but they absolutely, positively, HAD to be in Luxembourg.
I am getting from this that you aren't keen on schooling based on conformism and that you believe Arab schools teach conformism. Leaving aside the question of whether that position has merit, what would you do with that information?
Would you ban immigration by Arabs? From Arabic countries? By people educated in Arabic schools, who may not be Arabs and may not come from Arabic countries? What about ethnic minorities in Arabic countries like the Kurds in Iraq, who maintain a parallel school system? What about individuals schooled in conformance-centric religious schools in the US, or in non-Arab conformist cultures like Japan?
Spell out what you're trying to do.