I think the reason that formal proofs haven't really caught on is because it's just adding more complexity and stuff to maintain. The list of things that need to be maintained just keeps growing: code, tests, deployment tooling, configs, environments, etc. And now add a formal proof onto that. If the user changes their requirements then the proof needs to change. A lot of code changes will probably necessitate a proof change as well. And it doesn't even eliminate bugs because the formal proof could include a bug too. I suppose it could help in trivial cases like sanity checking that a value isn't null or that a lock is only held by a single thread but it seems like a lot of those checks are already integrated in build tooling in one way or another.
Yes, with the current state of the art, adopting formal methods means adopting a radically different approach to software development. For 'rapid application development' work, it isn't going to be a good choice. It's only a real consideration if you're serious about developing ultra-low-defect software (to use a term from the AdaCore folks).
> it doesn't even eliminate bugs because the formal proof could include a bug too
This is rather dismissive. Formal methods have been successfully used in various life-critical software systems, such as medical equipment and avionics.
As I said above, formal methods can eliminate all 'runtime errors' (like out-of-bounds array access), and there's a lot of power in formally guaranteeing that the model's invariants are never broken.
> I suppose it could help in trivial cases like sanity checking that a value isn't null or that a lock is only held by a single thread
No, this doesn't accurately reflect how formal methods work. I suggest taking a look at the PDFs I linked above. For one thing, formal modelling is not done using a programming language.
You mix up development problem with computational problem.
If you can't use formal proof just because the user can't be arsed to wait where it is supposed to be necessary, then the software project conception is simply not well designed.