That's a really good one. As a prototype, what do you think about something like:
- Paper you are currently reading taking up 2/3rds of the screen (left side)
- Right side of the screen is a graph of references from, and references to, the paper
- You can click on any node in the tree (paper titles of references and referencees) and then that paper loads up on your left side reading pane?
(Bonus: maybe nodes in the tree can be sized relatively by how cited a paper is.)
Also, would using a single site like be sufficient? Maybe for some fields of research but not others? As a dev I'd want to identify a single main repository as a starting point.
- Paper you are currently reading taking up 2/3rds of the screen (left side) - Right side of the screen is a graph of references from, and references to, the paper - You can click on any node in the tree (paper titles of references and referencees) and then that paper loads up on your left side reading pane?
(Bonus: maybe nodes in the tree can be sized relatively by how cited a paper is.)
Also, would using a single site like be sufficient? Maybe for some fields of research but not others? As a dev I'd want to identify a single main repository as a starting point.