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Female saboteurs who poisoned 46 Russian soldiers in Crimea are on the run (businessinsider.com)
22 points by atlacatl_sv on Jan 13, 2024 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Poisoned a bunch of soldiers in a few separate incidents, then they shoot their way out when the occupiers come to arrest them killing a few more officers in the process and getting away? I would watch this movie.

>Telegram channel Kremlin Snuffbox said on Tuesday

> The police went to apprehend the female suspects at a private house in Yalta but were surprised to find them "well armed" and "well prepared," the post said.

Why would you suspect people like that to be anything else but prepared and armed? smh

Assuming that those were just kids with some poison playing stupid games and finding out well trained partisan unit.

so what we are also hearing is, 2A actually does work

so 49 killed by the pair.

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