So the demo is actually running on a DE0-CV, with a Cyclone V.
A key thing for running Quake at acceptable speeds is to have a proper FPU, and most hobby softcores tend to exclude those.
I actually expect the CPU to run even faster (same clock, but fewer stalls), once I get around to improving a few things. I am seeing roughly 2 CPI in Quake right now, and I hope that there is potential to get closer to 1 CPI.
BTW, I fake-it-til-I-make-it with timing. I usually blow the timing budget when I go above 70 MHz, but I just run it 100+ MHz anyway (i.e. I'm effectively "overclocking"). As you may tell I'm a beginner myself (this is my first proper FPGA project, except for a master thesis project a couple of decades ago).
A key thing for running Quake at acceptable speeds is to have a proper FPU, and most hobby softcores tend to exclude those.
I actually expect the CPU to run even faster (same clock, but fewer stalls), once I get around to improving a few things. I am seeing roughly 2 CPI in Quake right now, and I hope that there is potential to get closer to 1 CPI.
BTW, I fake-it-til-I-make-it with timing. I usually blow the timing budget when I go above 70 MHz, but I just run it 100+ MHz anyway (i.e. I'm effectively "overclocking"). As you may tell I'm a beginner myself (this is my first proper FPGA project, except for a master thesis project a couple of decades ago).