I was using X's PWA for years, but I recently gave up on it because it's just very janky and the opposite of smooth, it also drained the battery much faster than the native app.
This may be an issue with android, but even with 12GB of ram the PWA still crashes often, something I never get when using the app.
Luckily I didn't have to compromise on my AdBlock thanks to vanced patches, which patch the x app to remove ads.
The solution is to improve web app capabilities and security, not to devolve back to platform-specific fiefdoms just because there’s kinks to work out.
Disentangling apps from OS-specific environments is how we introduce competition back into computing.
Apple and Microsoft are the most valuable companies in the history of earth due to these fiefdoms and it’s about time we got some reversion to the mean.
“Web” as an OS is overbloated, with decades of legacy junk. It was never meant to run applications, and yet it does.
The strong indicator for this is that there are only, what, 3 (two sharing common ancestor, so more like 2.5?) non-dead rendering engines, and it’s practically impossible to implement a new one? (Yes, a toy engine is possible, but anything practical is out of reach.)
My point is, you can’t introduce competition over this platform - it’s the same sort of a walled garden, just with different owners.
it was meant to run applications, that is why V8 is developed and optimized like hell, that is why we have webassembly to port c++ programs (try stockfish on lichess, it is webassembly)
originally, the browser was not meant to run applications, modern browsers are... strong indicator for this is chromium V8 performance and webassembly and the evolving js language with modules and node.js on server side
jvm introduced a competition to c++ and java is still top language, a browser is a kind of a jvm... you can use kotlin and other languages to compile to jvm and you can use js and webassembly to write apps on browsers
my point is, this is the best platform to introduce competition to native apps on walled gardens
the walled garden is not the os or browser but the company behind a closed os platform or closed single browser
on iOS, you had both: closed OS and closed single webkit browser engine
on every other os platforms you have true browser choice... since chromium is open source, you can create not just your toy browser but one of the most powerful ones... you can download the source code and if it goes in a restrictive direction, everybody can fork the web standard friendly versions
it is open and powerful, that is why most companies give a shit about browsers but it is not difficult for the EU for example to hire great browser engineers and create a beautiful stron free browser from an appropriate chromium version if things turned bad
whereas there are only 2 mobile operating systems that really work, from 2 giant US companies
where it is much more difficult to introduce competition is creating alternative mobile OSs... and then what, developers should create apps for this additional one two with another codebase?
browsers are the perfect level to introduce competition, in a way blink, webkit and gecko are all open source and chromium has a stron focus on improving web capabilities, pushed by 2 giants too (Google, Microsoft)
I'm sorry, but your comment has a lot of simple facts stated plain wrong, and then it entirely misses the point (which could be my fault for not making it clear what it was about).
macOS and iOS are based on Darwin, which is a BSD-derivative, IIRC there's nothing from Linux in there at all (although IIRC macOS used to ship some GNU programs). Chromium is not the engine, Blink and WebKit are. Android has almost no relation to GNU - sure, it has Linux kernel, but, it's entirely different system on top of it... but all of this is not important.
It doesn't matter if the browser choice is good enough or not. That's not the point at all - today's browsers are going to become irrelevant, just like '90s and 00's browsers don't matter anymore (Trident? Presto? CERN and NSCA stuff?). The fact there are only few engines remaining is the indicator, not the problem.
The core issue that the entry barrier is extremely high, and the foundations are still almost as bad as they were when Web2.0 was conceived. There's a giant baggage of legacy stuff that has pretty large impedance mismatch. The colossuses are growing so fast no one can realistically build a competing one anymore, yet all of them have feet of clay, as they were never meant/designed to grow into what they became through their twisted evolution.
By the way, I can totally understand if someone would disagree with this. Evolution takes weird paths, but somehow ends up achieving impressive results, and if we would stop caring about how things are working underneath (think of a recurrent laryngeal nerve analogy) and only focus on what they can do, maybe it's fine.
thanks for the details, you are probably right, then change linux to unix and chromium to blink in my comment, however, browser engines are all open source and they are the exact pitch perfect level to introduce competition
I am not so sure that chromium "kernel" or linux "kernel" ever become irrelevant... gecko or webkit maybe
even if only chromium engine stays, it is open source, if something goes wrong, you can fork or get back to gecko, webkit... we are all carbon based lifeforms, still there is great diversity I guess
why would we need to make so much effort to compete on browser engine level if it is so great that you cannot differentiate native to browser run programs?
I really do not understand what the point of your comments actually are... it is simply not true the browsers are not good for competition and I do not see what alternatives you suggest instead?
Got any examples to prove that? The only reason why features might be "worse" is by vendors artificially limiting browser access to native APIs. And "blazing fast performance" over features is not argument.
> security, and privacy
I can block every invasion of my privacy in a browser. Can you say the same for native applications?
Definitely, but only the simple web apps (like an icon that links to an url in the browser) that aren't affected by Apple's changes, so no notifications and stuff because it wasn't a PWA. It was a nice experience. I had a fast hosting provider and it worked seamless.
Right now I use Android on a cheap Samsung and loading webpages takes ages with Firefox. I don't think Google goes freely in killing the web, but we already knew that.
and I guess we all use a lot of responsive websites that are minimally web apps in funtionality, even if they did not offer manifest files for standalone mode
I just found out that hover which is a responsive website without mobile apps can be added to home screen ("install") on mobile...
well I tried it and it is on my home screen as a web app! vow!
I mean a web app is not a website you download or install, no need to ask how many are on the home screen...
the real question is web capabilities, we need good web programmers, companies with web strategies to get a lot of powerful websites
it is actually not the most important thing whether you add it to the homescreen or what...
the most important thing is to support the web capabilities with security in mind
it is not a fight against native, it is a choice and competition, freedom, free choices are normally good
If the site has some special meta information, it can display like any other app (full screen, its own entry in your multitasking UI). Otherwise it just opens in your regular browser.