It feels like this is the turning point when corporate social media giants found out that anger/depression are the easiest ways to increase engagement.
>It feels like this is the turning point when corporate social media giants found out that anger/depression are the easiest ways to increase engagement.
Rush Limbaugh figured this out in the 80s. He made lots of money and everyone followed suit.
Maybe you’re younger than I am, but I definitely feel like the introduction of the smart phone — and the iPhone on particular — was when things started to decline steeply.
Out of curiosity, why do you say the iPhone in particular? I think smart phone ubiquity, regardless of smart phone choice, is what has led to significant cultural changes (some positive, many negative). But I can't really think of a reason why the iPhone should get more blame than the Galaxy's and whatever other smart phones are out there.
I guess I feel that the iPhone was the innovator for a lot of things that are in use today, ultimately leading to the cultural fall.
For sure, today the iPhone is no more to blame than other smartphones. But the iPhone lead the charge, IMO.
And FWIW, I’ve only owned iPhones, so it’s not like I’m anti-iPhone. But perhaps I have unfair bias and am giving too much credit to Apple.
But just like this ad reinforces, I feel like their goal from the beginning was to replace these devices, destroying much of the culture that we used to know.
Culture from the last 20 years has been the slop and the people complaining loudest here have been making the sloppiest slop of all.