I'm trying to write a Rust program to transform gamepad inputs to MIDI events -- mainly CC, so that one can control a filter with a joystick for example. But it should also be possible to play notes. (The field of MIDI controllers appears quite limited, and "pads" available on some keyboards are not fun to use at all.)
I implemented this in a webapp, but it's really awkward to have to go through the browser back in the DAW. An executable would be more elegant.
PS1: Some DAWs allow for gamepad input, but it's usually limited, difficult to configure, and buggy (Reaper for example has a bug that was first raised in... 2009 and never fixed).
PS2: I had hoped LLMs would help... but boy do they not! ;-)
I implemented this in a webapp, but it's really awkward to have to go through the browser back in the DAW. An executable would be more elegant.
PS1: Some DAWs allow for gamepad input, but it's usually limited, difficult to configure, and buggy (Reaper for example has a bug that was first raised in... 2009 and never fixed).
PS2: I had hoped LLMs would help... but boy do they not! ;-)