So countries should have attacked the US when it committed it's illegal wars in the middle east, to stop emboldening the aggressor? I don't think that would have created a better world.
It's easy to say things like this about your geopolitical enemies, but allies get away with it all the time.
Iraq attacks and takes over Kuwait. And then threatens to invade Saudi Arabia.
But US the the 'aggressor' for rolling this back?
And the US gets many allies and works through the UN to do this, but it is somehow 'illegal'?
It sounds like in your perfect world, Saddam keeps Kuwait, also gets Saudi Arabia, and the US just sits on its hands after terrorists kill thousands in NYC because being 'aggressive' is always bad no matter what.
This is just military production. It's like the growth you have when a hurricane destroys a city and you have to rebuilt it. It doesn't accumulate, it's just a waste.
BTW look up North Korean economy growth after the war :) North Korea was always the rich part. It was developing so fast after the war. And somehow now the South Korea has Samsung and Kia and Subaru, and North Korea has starvation.
North Korea was totally isolated from the world economy after the Soviet Union fell.
The only economic bloc which cut Russia off was American allies and there's nothing Russia gets from them which can't be supplied elsewhere.
Russia switched from buying German cars to buying Chinese cars and changed the logo on their McDonalds and Starbucks branches. They now have access to inferior imitation brie and french wine is 2x the cost now but they'll probably cope.
If military spending were the only thing pushing GDP up, the deficit would be showing up in throttled consumer spending. It isnt. Indeed, if the sanctions were working as intended the military wouldnt be able to produce either, but they obviously are.
Sanctions limit supply of goods but that’s not the real way they bite. They slow down the economy a bit. Worse alternatives are used. Domestic sales are lower. That slowdown accumulates as lost growth. Brie and Mercedes’s aren’t the point in and of themselves.
And for specialized items such as aircraft parts and chips, it forces them to do without or invent an equivalent local supply chain at enormous cost.
All that wasted money is diverted from making Russia stronger.
Russia is such a poor country compared to its neighbours that it’s very easy for them to have a lot of catch-up growth.
USSR and China were sanctioned as well during the cold war. There was intentional difference in how they were sanctioned to cause them to split off.
Both of these things worked as intended, causing USSR and China to work against each other and ultimately causing USSR to collapse. USSR was growing faster than the west early on. By 80s its economy was barely working.
It just takes time. Russia is in much worse starting condition already than USSR was in 70s, it is more isolated, it has less allies, it's further behind in tech.
If you want to believe Russia is doing fine, go ahead, it's just a very weird take.
It's easy to say things like this about your geopolitical enemies, but allies get away with it all the time.