Ever more child porn is generated mechanically, without any real child suffering. It is much safer for the producers to use AI instead.
Most countries in the world consider AI-generated child porn illicit, but some don't, and it would be worth rethinking the difference. Once there is no human victim whose rights were violated, a major reason for banning such images disappears, and only vague reasons remain: either that it could stimulate consumers to act in reality (which is a wobbly theory), or that it is disgusting.
Most countries in the world consider AI-generated child porn illicit, but some don't, and it would be worth rethinking the difference. Once there is no human victim whose rights were violated, a major reason for banning such images disappears, and only vague reasons remain: either that it could stimulate consumers to act in reality (which is a wobbly theory), or that it is disgusting.