> The support for this tag is currently rolled out on mastodon.social and any other server that uses a recent Mastodon nightly release, but the feature will only show up for links to moderator-approved websites. In the future we would like to make the feature available to all without a manual review process.
quick way to ruin the party. odd that they don't even try and explain why. "we would like to" sounds completely hypothetical too, as in "if we cure evil and banish death to the underworld, perhaps one day we will be able to", rather than "when it comes out of beta it will be available to everyone".
quick way to ruin the party. odd that they don't even try and explain why. "we would like to" sounds completely hypothetical too, as in "if we cure evil and banish death to the underworld, perhaps one day we will be able to", rather than "when it comes out of beta it will be available to everyone".