I feel you, but how would you function the if you like all other aspects of your work?
In one of my previous jobs the boss was asked publicly during a townhall why RTO if a few months later they praised WFH and insisted this is the way forward to the whole company. He seemed surprised, chuckled a little, then paused, and then said that he talked to his colleagues, that is C*Os, and they all confirmed office is much more fun, hence the decision to go 3:2. It was one of the most stupid public answers from a CEO I've ever heard. So if they play their games instead of being honest, it's not surprising employees follow.
It really depends on the culture. Being French I do not see it as "duplicity" - it is rather a way to accommodate the reality of life (dumb ideas), their impact (make it the lowest for you and for the company) and your comfort.
Such white lies help everyone to be on top of their duties - your manager knows that they checked the mark called "evangelize the idea to your team" and you know that you checked the mark "I have provided useful feedback by nodding my head a few times". It stops there and life continues.
In an ideal world, we would not need to do any of these because all ideas would be fantastic and everyone would be enthusiastic about them. Unfortunately, I do not live in such a place.