This is one bsod on windows 10. I saw another kernel panic on specific Linux distro.
What else?
One thing that is funny is that quite a few of their competitors are taking this opportunity to shit on them via Twitter and by marketing themselves as better than CrowdStrike.
Twitter, with all its issues, apparently has a feature to prevent fake news and that feature will show crowd source sentiment to debunk fake news, in this case, Twitter users showed how many times Crowdstrike competitor BSOD windows
Bottom line is this: there is absolutely no good reason for not doing rolling updates. Do a few and make sure they are ok. Keep rolling out in groups. This single approach alone would've meant that this event was of marginal impact to most of the public, as sysadmins would've had the opportunity to halt further updates and work on remediating their first group (typically non-critical servers). Rolling out to everything all at once is just bad practice, period.
This is one bsod on windows 10. I saw another kernel panic on specific Linux distro.
What else?
One thing that is funny is that quite a few of their competitors are taking this opportunity to shit on them via Twitter and by marketing themselves as better than CrowdStrike.
Twitter, with all its issues, apparently has a feature to prevent fake news and that feature will show crowd source sentiment to debunk fake news, in this case, Twitter users showed how many times Crowdstrike competitor BSOD windows