This also serves as a cautionary tale to small-business web people.
You can start a web service business solo (or with a small handful of folks). But the web doesn't shut down overnight, so either have a plan to get 24-hour support onboarded early or accept that you're going to lose a lot of sleep.
(And if you think that's fun, wait until you trip over a regulatory hurdle and you get to come out of that 2AM code-bash to a meeting with some federal or state agent at 9AM...)
You can start a web service business solo (or with a small handful of folks). But the web doesn't shut down overnight, so either have a plan to get 24-hour support onboarded early or accept that you're going to lose a lot of sleep.
(And if you think that's fun, wait until you trip over a regulatory hurdle and you get to come out of that 2AM code-bash to a meeting with some federal or state agent at 9AM...)