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This happened to a friend of mine in the last year. He went to the ER for something and joked about feeling suicidal. Meanwhile people I know who are actually suicidal are impossible to get admitted. Sorry that happened to you. I really wish there was a better feedback mechanism in American healthcare

Thanks, ironically this is one of those policies that has misaligned incentives everywhere. The doctor does not have any incentive other than to "play extra safe" and punt anyone they think is having a crisis into other hands - they're usually very busy, especially in the ER, which is typically full of mentally ill people. This has the opposite effect of actually helping people though - what happens to your friend if he actually is feeling suicidal in the future? 0 chance he seeks help, it's way too risky to even state outloud. And when people have no outlet for this kind of problem or thoughts, bad things happen.

Looking back with a more historical lens I think at the time this happened for me was shortly after columbine and everyone was freaked out about mentally ill people shooting up a place because that had at that time been a shocking incident.

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