Craigslist not only has the right to choose who can consume their data, but how and when. It also, has the right to make it available any which way it likes.
That is obvious, follows directly from copyright law, and is not in dispute. PadMapper does not have a right to use Craigslist's data [1], but Craigslist sending C&Ds to PadMapper and similar sites is still shitty behavior all the same.
[1] Outside of fair use and similar stuff, but that doesn't apply here.
That is obvious, follows directly from copyright law, and is not in dispute. PadMapper does not have a right to use Craigslist's data [1], but Craigslist sending C&Ds to PadMapper and similar sites is still shitty behavior all the same.
[1] Outside of fair use and similar stuff, but that doesn't apply here.