Boy, the guy can't win. If he's rude, he's an entitled rich jerk. If he's kind, he's got "privilege". It's pretty tiring to have everything be about oppressing the poor, it's kind like taking a conversation hostage. Well, now that we've brought up the breadline, the conversation can't not talk about that important issue.
He's a buffoon without value or virtue. An ambassador who doesn't speak the language of the folks he represents. A writer sharing the contents of his empty head like a curator leading a tour of an empty museum.
He doesn't need us to defend him nor does he particularly deserve a defense.
Agreed that the criticism is unfair, I’ve heard him interviewed and he’s a genuine-seeming nice guy. But getting Victor Orbán to write the foreword to the book is plenty to make me worry about his sense of entitlement.
I think intentionally spreading obvious lies, like Orban does, is not about `different political views`.
I have same view as you in your second paragraph. But let's not put everything on same level. This is the danger of this era. I respect different political views I do not agree with. I do not respect populist's manipulation.
I think that the people in the breadline would have better things to do than be rude on twitter. Or maybe not, it is a fun way to pass the time for some.
If you're in the breadline, hobbies and other idle time activities cost money in comparison to twitter that is "free". Don't be surprised the rhetoric is toxic like 4chan and its hordes of basement dwelling NEETs.