LPR is really tricky because weeks of "good behavior" can be undone very easily with one wrong move. It also took me years to figure out it was LPR because it doesn't have traditional acid reflux symptoms and can also look a lot like allergies or other things my doctors labeled it with instead. For me it was especially debilitating because it inflamed my Eustachian tubes, which meant my middle ears filled with way too much fluid, and i'd have 5+ hour long vertigo attacks where i literally could not move a single inch and was vomiting the entire time and sometimes only had a few minutes of warning before this started. if this happened in public, which it thankfully never did in a way i couldn't get home or to my car quickly (to pass out in the back seat and barf out the window), it would have been absolutely awful. the other shitty symptom as i said was extremely dry eyes, like painfully dry, which i think was actually more just them stinging which feels identical to dry. no amount of eye drops helped, and i tried like 6 different types.
anyway lots of tips online for LPR that are true for me:
* nothing carbonated. this is one of the worst things i can do
* nothing acidic. some fruit juices like pineapple in particular are really, really bad for me. coffee, even with milk and ice and sugar, is also really bad for me. overly acidic foods (vinegar, tomato based stuff, etc) are also bad.
* anything spicy is really bad too
* no caffeine
* stopping eating before i feel full. this is hard for me because i've been a "eat until i'm stuffed" person my entire life and it's really satisfying for me to do so.
* stopping drinking helps but i got symptoms to go away pretty well even with moderate+ levels of drinking. but mostly just sticking to liquor and no cocktails or beer or seltzers. wine seems okay.
* sitting upright after eating for at least an hour or two
* not eating for at least a few hours before bed
* exercise helps a bit but isn't critical for me
* daily allergy pill and nasal spray, even missing one day sucks
dry eyes are my first symptom that i did something "wrong". once i learned to listen to that it helped a ton. if i do "wrong" things for like a week straight, the constant dizziness starts, and if i go on much further than that then the vertigo attacks start.