Tenno is a web app that lets you create Markdown documents that can include computational cells.
You can think of it as a mix of Word and Excel, some sort of "literate programming" environment.
This is still an early version but I wanted to get some feedback from HN on what could be nice features to add.
Check out the Docs and examples page, it has a ton
of (in my humble opinion) cool stuff!
Why did I build this?
I was building some estimation for cloud costs in Google Sheets and I quickly ended up with a mess. I realized that if I wanted to analyze how a certain thing changes wrt to multiple variables by plotting it, I had to create a bunch of copies of data and copy my formulas everywhere... a SWE nightmare!
Tenno simplifies this because you can essentially define a function you are interested in, and only the analyzing it using plots that explore various dimensions.
BTW, you can also use Tenno to build dashboards by pulling data from APIs, checkout the weather data example.
That being said, if you want this to be useful for people in general, not just programmers:
- People like WYSIWIG. Markdown and the split-pane view seems to be something only programmers like. So I'd suggest being able to do everything, or mostly everything, directly in the rendered/HTML panel. (Maybe the Markdown panel is for power users only)
- This is great for working with individual calculations, but a lot (most?) of spreadsheet use is about applying formulas to whole rows, columns, and tables of values. I see you support basic tables, but they're a huge pain to encode/format/edit in Markdown, and I don't see any ability to support things like 200 rows x 5 columns and do things like calculate sums and averages
So I think there's a ton of potential here! But I think WYSIWIG and easy tabular data support are going to be key here for broader usage. While the kinds of programmers this seems aimed at now, are already using Jupyter notebooks and Matplotlib for this kind of thing. (Like, when you describe "why did I build this", I don't understand why you didn't just fire up a Google Colab notebook.)