>There’s thousands of different tax regimes in the US - dozens to hundreds in every state, thanks to city taxes and the like. All businesses would need to advertise the right price everywhere. Doesn’t scale.
Of course it does. Seeing this excuse in 2024 is absurd. It has nothing to do with actual difficulty, businesses just don't want to have to do it.
Businesses should be required to say in general advertisements "product/service is $X + local applicable taxes". When you go to make your individual purchase they would then be required to show the actual total price you will be paying. Maybe include a breakdown if people want it.
Creates a burden for businesses to comply? Too fucking bad, that's the cost of being allowed to do do business.
Of course it does. Seeing this excuse in 2024 is absurd. It has nothing to do with actual difficulty, businesses just don't want to have to do it.
Businesses should be required to say in general advertisements "product/service is $X + local applicable taxes". When you go to make your individual purchase they would then be required to show the actual total price you will be paying. Maybe include a breakdown if people want it.
Creates a burden for businesses to comply? Too fucking bad, that's the cost of being allowed to do do business.