Very cool! Are you planning on building out (or offering direction on) 'base machines'? Would love to see a plug and play hardware infrastructure, where plopping in a new brain/etc for development purposes is a thing.
Happy to learn more about what you have in mind, there's a couple different things here it seems?
Maurice is our base machine. We're going to open source the design and hardware so that users can change it - for example switch the gripper with something more complex or a different end-effector. Is that what you meant?
We're also working on a bigger one, which will be able to reach tabletops for example. The idea is as much to create a really powerful robot for the home as showing our brain can work in different bodies.
Ideally our software should power all kinds of robots easily but it needs a lot more training data, and right now it still plugs in standard classical robotics software for some tasks, because it can't control everything immediately. But for example, provided they give us the right interface, iRobot and other Roomba manufacturers should be able to use our AI to make their robots instantly smarter. We can also put it in Unitree dogs (go2 for example). But one thing at at time :)