Mine is 5 minutes away. Two kiosks plus a person is always on site. The most I've ever had to wait for the person is 30 seconds -- all they do is scan the QR code and take the item. So I guess it's YMMV.
Until the person enters something wrong on the screen, and you get emails claiming you will be billed if you don't return the item, and you end up spending a few hours with Kafkaesque customer service, repeatedly, over the course of weeks, interrupting multiple days with time-sucking aggravation.
Unless Mr. Bezos has been putting on a disguise, and secret-shoppering his own company, I have a suspicion he has no idea how much his Leadership Principles have been eroded in the last few years. I don't think metrics will tell you that, when your staff has been conditioned to desperately make their metrics look good. The short-term quantitative metrics will be hit, at least on paper, and everything else will be neglected or outright cannibalized.
This is probably by design, but I don’t return a whole lot.