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The intricacies of implementing memoization in Ruby (denisdefreyne.com)
130 points by thunderbong 38 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 70 comments

Can't mention Fibonacci and memoization in the same sentence without me breaking out my favorite Python party trick:

    def fib(n, cache = {0: 0, 1: 1}):
        if n not in cache:
            cache[n] = fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
        return cache[n]

The directly translated ruby version (from stack overflow of course) is even shorter:

    def fib(n, cache=Hash.new{ |h,k| h[k] = k < 2 ? k : h[k-1] + h[k-2] })
It runs out of stack around 7146 on my machine at least. The python one is limited by the recursion depth limit in my test but of course that's configurable at your own risk.

The Python version and this Ruby version are not equivalent.

In Ruby, default parameters are allocated for each call to the function, which means that they are not shared across calls.

In Python, default parameters are allocated once and shared across all calls, allowing them to be mutated.

This becomes obvious if we change the Python and Ruby versions to print when they're computing something that is not yet cached. For back-to-back calls to `fib(10)`, the Python version prints only on the first call to `fib(10)`. The Ruby version must recompute all values from 2 – 10 again.

If you're first going to golf it, endless-def:

    def fib(n, cache=Hash.new{ |h,k| h[k] = k < 2 ? k : h[k-1] + h[k-2] }) = cache[n]

It's actually kind of ungolfed. The default version would be just

    fib = Hash.new{ |h,k| h[k] = k < 2 ? k : h[k-1] + h[k-2] }

This is the proper Ruby form since it relies on the [] operator and is therefore substitutable for any other callable esp. procs/lambdas, and able to wrap them as well.

This isn’t just golf, it’s an excellent way to pass around a lazily computed, self-caching closure. I use it often in preference to memoization gems.

Aside from noting the false/nil equivalence concern, the original article seems over-engineered to me. Excessive metaprogramming is a common trap for Ruby devs.

IMHO, the mamul form is even better for golf, F(n) in O(n log n)

It's definitely something I remember being interested to find out about the hard way.

Every recursion class talks about the Fib algorithm and why it's nice with recursion. But the iterative version doesn't have these stack limitations, presumably uses less memory and is just as fast. Doesn't that make it a better implementation?

> Every recursion class talks about the Fib algorithm and why it's nice with recursion.

It is nice with recursion in the sense that it's a straightforward, easy algorithm (what college CS student doesn't know basic arithmetic?) that illustrates recursion. It's also trivial to write the recursive version based on the mathematical definition.

It is not nice in that it's very slow and blows up due to the exponential growth of the recursive calls. No one outside of CS 101 or an algorithms class is going to ever write the recursive version again. But that not-nice aspect makes it nice again, because it's a good jumping off point in how to improve an algorithm's runtime by understanding its structure (the iterative version) or throwing more memory at it (the memoized version).

> But the iterative version doesn't have these stack limitations, presumably uses less memory and is just as fast.

There is no "presumably", unless you store every Fibonacci number and not just the last two, the iterative Fibonacci does use less memory than the naive recursive Fibonacci. And there's no "just as fast". The iterative Fibonacci is faster, unless you've done something horribly wrong. It runs in linear time wrt N rather than exponential. If your linear algorithm is only just as fast as an exponential one, you haven't made a linear algorithm.

> Doesn't that make it a better implementation?

Yes, obviously. Which is why after CS 101 or an algorithms class you pretty much never write anything like that except maybe as a prototype. "This recursive program follows the definition closely, but it blows up memory/time." Start there and improve is a very reasonable thing. Start there and stop is just silly.

The stack is just an implementation detail of some languages.

Some other languages have non-broken function calls, and don't need to grow the stack for all of them.

In those languages, you don't need to have loops as built-in to work around broken function calls. You can just write your own loops as library functions.

(Of course, the naive recursive definition of Fibonacci would still be slow. You'd want to write a version that can be efficiently evaluated. You are already familiar with the linear time version in the iterative form.

You can also write a logarithmic time version of Fibonacci.)

This is fun. Just wanted to say that both my 64 gb desktop and my 16 gb of RAM laptop reach the same stack limit at exactly 7692 when using pry. And reached the limit at 7694 with irb.


TXR Lisp version:

  (defun fib (n : (cache #H(() (0 1) (1 1))))
    (or [cache n]
        (set [cache n] (+ (fib (pred n)) (fib (ppred n))))))
TXR Lisp does not have broken Python semantics for evaluating the default expressions for optional arguments. The expressions are freshly evaluated on each call in which they are needed, in the lexical scope in in which the prior parameters are already visible, as well as the scope surrounding the function definition.

Why this works is that the #H hash literal syntax is a true literal. Every time that expression is evaluated, it yields the same hash table, which is mutable. This wouldn't work in an implementation of TXR Lisp in which literals are put into a ROM image or mapped into read only virtual memory. We will not likely see such a thing any time soon.

If we change #H(...) to, say, (hash-props 0 1 1 1), it won't work any more.

> Why this works is that the #H hash literal syntax is a true literal. Every time that expression is evaluated, it yields the same hash table, which is mutable.

While this is cool and I think I grok the semantics, the identification of it as a "true literal" has me scratching my head. To me a literal is a syntactical term, so putting a literal into a rom image only makes sense in terms of storing the source itself (which is not necessary most of the time, but might make sense in a lisp).

First-class support for partial evaluation looks really cool. I've been playing around with a scheme dialect built around this very concept.

A literal is not purely a syntactical term. A literal is an object that is embedded in the program itself. As such, it is necessarily part of the syntax: the piece of syntax denoting the literal is understood to be that object itself.

However, note that syntax disappears when the program is compiled. The literal itself does not!!! (Unless identified as dead code and eliminated, of course).

Even using the C language as an example we can readily distinguish between literal syntax and semantics. The string literal syntas "abc\n" includes the double quotes and backslash. Yet the string literal object at run time has no double quotes or backslash, and the n after the backslash was turned into a newline (linefeed in ASCII). (C compilers on Unix-like platforms do in fact map string literals to read-only memory. It's not ROM, but wite-protected VM. Firmwares written in C being burned into ROM are thing also. The literals are then in ROM.)

In Lisp, we think of the objects as being source code, so it's a little different. The C idea of the double quotes and backslash being source is called "read syntax" in Lisp, particularly Common Lisp. Scheme might use "read syntax", I'm not sure. In any case, "surface syntax" or "character-level syntax" are also useful synonyms. Note

Lisp compilers and interpreters take the scanned-surface-syntax-turned-object as their input. We could call that deep syntax. So a quoted literal is literally a chunk of the deep syntax, turned into a datum for the program: (quote X) embeds the syntax X into the program, making it available as a datum, and the compiler will process that quote construct by propagating X as is into the compiled image, arranging it to be part of some table or literals or whatever.

Some object are self-quoting, like numbers of strings, or #(...) vectors in Common Lisp and Scheme.

The TXR Lisp #H(...) hash syntax is like this. If it appears as an evaluated expression in code, then it is a literal. The compiler must propagate that to the compiled image, just like a vector, string, or number.

> However, note that syntax disappears when the program is compiled. The literal itself does not!!!

I would term this a "value". The word "literal" is inherently lexical, dealing with letters (ie a signifier) from an etymological standpoint as opposed to the value (the signified).

Or to further clarify my confusion, a symbol is a value that can be evaluated to a different value at runtime but I wouldn't call it a "literal" outside the context of a legible source file.

Perhaps the one exception I can think of is the use of macros, but macros are distinguished from other list transformations by being specifically applied to source code (and also runtime values, but at LEAST source code). So it makes sense that they have some value-form of literals—ie signified signifiers that are not themselves symbols or quoted values.

I don't want to argue, I'm just pointing out the diction here is super confusing at the very least to me. A literal is just that-a lexical object that makes up part of a source

> Yet the string literal object at run time

I would again term this a "value" that the literal evaluates to at compile-time, or alternatively a "value" that the literal signifies to the reader. Even homoiconic languages like lisp differentiate between source and runtime forms. In the context of c I would consider the concept of a "runtime literal" to be a contradictory/paradoxical/incoherent/nonsensical one.

That said, what you were showcasing remains very cool regardless of how we refer to the forms. A great demonstration on how there's only really one difficult problem—naming shit! Basically all other problems follow from this original one (yes, even cache invalidation and coloring and off-by-one errors).

"literal" a short for "literal constant" which is in contrast to "symbolic constant".

3.1415926535 is a literal constant; π is symbolic.

The former constant literally is the value, whereas π isn't literally that value.

There's another term we could use for the runtime counterpart of the literal. In machine languages we have something called an immediate operand. For instance an instruction which moves a constant value into a register, like mov r1, 42 is said to have an immediate operand. This operand is baked right into the instruction code word, or an adjacent word.

Thus, a source code literal constant, or possibly a symbolic constant, appearing in the assembly language, becomes an immediate operand in the running machine language.

In higher level languages we just tend to use the word literal for both. And of course what that means is that a symbolic constant can become a literal one at runtime, due to a translation time substitution of symbolic constants by their values in place.

An immediate operand is an object. What makes it special is that it lives inside the program code. Each time the instruction is executed which references the immediate operand, it references that one and only operand. The only way for that reference to get a different value would be if the program were modified the runtime: that is, if it were self-modifying.

Literals, or shall we say immediate operands, being part of the program, are assumed not to be modified. Compilers can optimize them in various ways, like usung one object for multiple occurrences of the same literal. Or they can arrange for these literals to be in unwritable storage. Some literals can be stuffed into the immediate operand fields of machine instructions.

So yes, literals correspond to runtime objects, but objects which often have special treatment and rules regarding their use.

Does that work due to Ruby having Python-like broken semantics for evaluating the default value expressions for optional arguments? (I have no idea.) Or does it work due to the object denoted by {...} being a real literal?

If the default value expression is evaluated on each call to the function in which it is required rather than at function definition time, and if the { ... } syntax is a constructor that creates a fresh object, then this wouldn't work; one of those two conditions (or both) must be broken.

Python's default argument is evaluated once. It's very sibtle behavior that is inlile Ruby.

Not memoization, but I like the Raku version:

    $ raku -e 'my @fib = 0,1,{$^a + $^b} ... *; @fib[0..40].say'
    (0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987 1597 2584 4181 6765 10946 17711 28657 46368 75025 121393 196418 317811 514229 832040 1346269 2178309 3524578 5702887 9227465 14930352 24157817 39088169 63245986 102334155)

sorry couldn't resist...

  raku -e '(0,1,*+*...*)[^40] .say'

You should see the Mathematica version:

    fibonacci[0] = 0;
    fibonacci[1] = 1;
    fibonacci[n_] := fibonacci[n] = fibonacci[n-1] + fibonacci[n-2]
It cleverly uses both = and := together. Usually people use = for immediate assignment (such as constants) and := for delayed assignment (such as functions) but this combines the two.

Have always appreciated Haskell's tail-recursive one

  fib = (fibs !!)
      where fibs = 0 : 1 : zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs)
  main = putStrLn $ show $ fib 1000

You probably just jest, either way fibs is not tail recursive [0], since its returning value is a list constructor, and not a call to itself.

[0] : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33923/what-is-tail-recur...

No jest, I just recalled this formulation incorrectly as being tail-recursive. Thanks for reminding me.

I’ve been bitten by this behavior before where default argument values are shared across invocations.

That’s beautiful. Why didn’t I think of that?!

Probably because not using mutable default arguments is python 101. Just something you don't do or think about. But this is indeed clever use of that gotcha.

With any Ruby code under load, it's important to have a proper understanding of what's happening in memory -- if adding memoisation is yielding significant gains, there's likely much more potential for optimisation

Many in the Ruby community have taken a 1974 quote from Donald Knuth out of context and used it as a justification for minimal or zero effort on memory efficiency

The article is a very interesting read, but implementation is heavily reliant on metaprogramming magic that can be something of a grenade in realworld projects especially if anyone fairly new to Ruby has to fix it later

Almost none of the gems I used 10 years ago still exist today -- taking a small penalty for hand-rolling initially will usually save days or more later -- the author even says a similar earlier Gem he built is long gone

> if adding memoization is yielding significant gains, there's likely much more potential for optimization

Most often when I see memoization in Ruby code it is when fetching data from either a db or external service. Memory isn't the concern is these cases.

> Almost none of the gems I used 10 years ago still exist today -- taking a small penalty for hand-rolling initially will usually save days or more later -- the author even says a similar earlier Gem he built is long gone

With a clean DSL changing the gem or removing it for your own solution should not be problem.

If app is repeatedly asking DB for same data and it's immutable for a period -- the persistance choice is wrong

There is potentially a whole lot of memory/callstack overhead involved in a request like that even when memoised

It likely should be in a memory structure all the time or Redis if sufficiently complex / shared across processes etc. as all the other processes will likely be doing same

Only in Ruby world would someone say yeah what we need right there is a Gem with some define_method sprinkles

> If app is repeatedly asking DB for same data and it's immutable for a period -- the persistance choice is wrong

Says who? ACID databases are the norm for a reason.

> There is potentially a whole lot of memory/callstack overhead involved in a request like that even when memoised

So because there is overhead elsewhere you shouldn't optimize here?

> It likely should be in a memory structure all the time or Redis if sufficiently complex / shared across processes etc. as all the other processes will likely be doing same

Redis doesn't help if the issue is the network io. Accessing anything out of process memory will objectively be slower than accessing in process memory. Doesn't matter if the data is coming from pg, redis, or wherever. If its going across the wire, there will be io latency.

> Only in Ruby world would someone say yeah what we need right there is a Gem with some define_method sprinkles

Ah, I see this is based on a negative view of ruby in particular. Memoization is a common pattern in basically every language, and can net significant performance wins with very little effort (low hanging fruit). Is it a magic bullet? Nope. But it's nice to have in the tool belt when dealing with an app that's falling on its face and every improvment means you get to sleep better at night.

> Only in Ruby world would someone say yeah what we need right there is a Gem with some define_method sprinkles

Oh sorry. I didn't mean for it to sound like that is what I was saying.

What I meant was a gem with a memoization DSL shouldn't be hard to remove if you decide you no longer want it, so I do not think it is a great reason to not go with a gem it it solves your need.

To be clear, in 18 years of Ruby I've never work on a project that used a gem for this sort of thing. That being said–I think a better interface for memoization would make it easier to reach for the right tool at the right time. And I've work large enough project where even a project specific DSL in lib would be valuable across the project.

The thing about metaprogramming magic in Ruby is that, it can work okay for one thing, but if you have 2 or 3 or more things all using it to do different things, it's very likely they'll conflict and blow up in a way that's really difficult to troubleshoot or solve.

It’s fun how the runtime in seconds for the naive Fibonacci is

  36: 14930352 (1.2s)
  37: 24157817 (2.0s)
  38: 39088169 (3.2s)
  39: 63245986 (5.2s)
  40: 102334155 (8.3s)
  41: 165580141 (13.5s)
  42: 267914296 (21.8s)
What a familiar pattern in those runtimes!

That's a neat observation! But isn't it for the naïve reason that, with negligible overhead, the run time of executing `fib(n) = fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)` is the run time of executing `fib(n - 1)`, plus the run time of executing `fib(n - 2)`?

On the other hand, if someone had asked me for an estimate on the run time, I probably would have tried breaking out the master theorem instead of thinking of this, so I don't want to downplay the observation.

Right. Also note that the non-optimized implementation boils down to computing F(n) = 1+1+1+1+...+1, with a function call tree that has 2F(n) nodes. So no matter what the relative cost is for addition and function calls, the total time should go like F(n).

I know it’s pointless but now I’d like to see a fibonacci implementation that returns these runtimes as the result.

Another kind of fun with Fibonacci (sort of):


floor(x + 0.5) wants to be round(x), that function having been introduced in C99. Just remnants of old school C coding.

Fibonacci never stops surprising!

Great article, memoization is pretty complex and full of trade-offs. We recognized a lot of these same pitfalls as we worked through making memoization a consistent and common pattern in our (very large, monolithic Rails) codebase via a `memoize def...` helper. The `false` and `null` pitfall is _surprisingly_ common, enough that it (and other pitfalls) warranted us writing our own memoization DSL.

We took the opposite approach of most libraries though (and a reason we rolled our own instead of pulling in an existing gem) by avoiding handling the complex edge cases that hide trade-offs:

1. Class methods can't be memoized.

2. Methods with arguments can't be memoized (so no LRU caches, weak refs, tracking arguments, handling default args, hash/deep object equality, etc)

The thought at the time was that those more complex scenarios deserve more thought than "prefix it with `memoize`". It's been a few years since we introduced the helper and after seeing it all throughout our codebase with no issues I'm even more confident this was the correct decision.

I haven't revisited it in a while, but I'd love to add some extra niceties to it, like hooking into `ActiveRecord`s `#reload`, although I dislike memoizing in models.

In TXR Lisp, I implemented an original invention of mine called Paremeter List Macros (Parameter Macros for short).

A parameter macro works in any lambda syntax. Methods, macros.

The documentation for Parameter List Macros shows an example implementation of rudimentary memoization.


You can use :memo in a method if you like, in a lambda expression, defmacro, macrolet, labels, ...: anywhere you have a lambda parameter list.

There is a predefined parameter macro called :key which implements keyword parameters. (Common-Lisp-like keyword parameters are not native to the language run-time at all: you have to use this param macro if you want them.)

Another predefined parameter macro called :match allows you to express a function with pattern matching. :match will take stock of your patterns and implicitly generate a parameter list which can take any of those patterns, and a function body which then further handles the cases.

I've come across memoize gems before and thought, "do I really need to introduce a dependency when I can save results into a hash", but this makes a convincing argument to leverage a gem like memo_wise. Clean DSL syntax and the perf gains are much nicer than micromanaging it.

memo_wise maintainer here. No pressure from me to try it out, but if you do use it and have any feedback or suggestions please let us know!

In real code I've only actually seen memoization used as a cache. That leaves cache validation to some higher level which is in a poor position to do it very well. In my experience, most often it means someone has to figure out what things to manually restart, and when.

You mean invalidation?

Speaking of invalidation, the memoized Fibonacci will work even with a cache of 1 item that is replaced each time. (By work, I mean slash exponential time to linear.)

If you calculate fib(n - 2) first and cache it, evacuating everything else in the process, that is good enough: when f(n - 1) needs f(n - 2), it finds it instead of recursing, and so the multply-and-surrender logic is disrupted, resulting in time proportional to n.

With all that it borrowed from Perl, I'm surprised Ruby didn't also borrow the defined-or operator `//=` (https://perldoc.perl.org/perlop#Logical-Defined-Or). (Or, if it did, I guess the author hadn't encountered it.)

That's an anti-pattern. In a properly lexically scoped language, an undefined identifier is erroneous, diagnosable before you even run the code.

If optional dynamic scoping is supported, it can make sense to deal with an undefined variable, but is still something you would want to avoid. E.g. Common Lisp programs almost always assidiously define dynamic variables via a top-level defvar.

Testing for definedness is usually part of some hack that doesn't deserve its own syntax as a predefined language feature.

The basic idea is that programs should usually know which of their variables are defined, at what point in the program. It should be statically obvious, or failing that, at least dynamically obvious. The remaining situations can be valid, but are low-priority hacks.

(You can always have your macro for it, if you want it badly enough.)

For the environment var example, we can use the regular or (which is much like ||), if the lookup yields nil, which is false:

  1> (or (getenv "HOME") (getenv "LOGDIR") (error "You're homeless!"))
  2> (or (getenv "XXXHOME") (getenv "LOGDIR") (error "You're homeless!"))
  ** You're homeless!
  ** during evaluation at expr-2:1 of form (error "You're homeless!")
Looks like Perl made a mess of this simple thing, too.

I understand some languages have an "undefined" value for a variable that is actually defined, but that's pretty lame too; it gives rise to multiple ways of being false. Awk is like this. Awk knows every variable in the program before executing it. GNU Awk builds a global symbol table of all variables at compile time. So every variable is considered defined in the sense of being known to the implementation and existing. It just has a kind of undefined value initially that serves as an empty string or zero, and tests false, but is neither a number nor string. It's a pretty cockamamie design from the POV of larger programs, but does lead to very short one-liners.

These thoughts on proper typing discipline are a valuable perspective on good programming-language design, but I think that they probably don't help much for writing code in Ruby, which, I believe, doesn't behave this way. (I'm not a Ruby-ist, so can't speak authoritatively to it.)

Nonetheless, supposing that we're working in a language that behaves as you suggest—if memoization isn't built in, how would a user build it in a way that allows caching of the return value `false`? (For example, for testing whether a positive integer is prime, where getting that `false` value could be very expensive.)

The problem is identical to how do we have an hash table (or other associative array or dictionary) in which we distinguish the presence of a false value from the absence of a value.

There are solutions for that. For instance, a lookup operation that returns the underlying dictionary entry, or nil if there is no entry. If there is an entry, we can dereference it: entry.value has the value. That's a solution not requiring any special type system constructs like Optional or sum types.

We can have a double lookup: if the lookup yields the ambiguous false value, then we can do another lookup like contains(hash, key) that has a boolean result.

Some languages like Common Lisp have multiple return values. The gethash function in Common Lisp returns a second value which indicates whether the key is present. If the first value is nil, but the second value is t, then it indicates that the nil was actually pulled from the hash table.

> Some languages like Common Lisp have multiple return values. The gethash function in Common Lisp returns a second value which indicates whether the key is present. If the first value is nil, but the second value is t, then it indicates that the nil was actually pulled from the hash table.

But this seems to be what you said was an anti-pattern:

> That's an anti-pattern. In a properly lexically scoped language, an undefined identifier is erroneous, diagnosable before you even run the code.

You were speaking there, presumably, of bare variables, not of hash entries, but Perl's defined-or works just as well on lookups, like `$a{ key } //= "Hi there!"`, in which case it is just a less-verbose version of the two-step lookup you propose.

I don't think Ruby has this natively, but Rails adds it with Object#presence. https://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/Object.html#method-i-pre...

ActiveSupport adds tons of great convenience methods to Ruby and you can require it even outside of Rails! blank, present; date and time conversions like 1.month.from_now; except; enumerable methods like pluck... It's just lovely

    require 'active_support/all'

That is not the same, because Object#present? is a test for nonblankness, not definedness. So, for example, the empty string "" returns nil for #presence, which is exactly what we don't want when caching the result of a potentially expensive templating operation, external service query etc.

The proper equivalent uses the defined? keyword, as in

    (defined? @result) ? @result : @result = ""
which will produce @result with conditional assignment over definition. Note that defined? is a keyword, not an operator.

There is no shorthand for this expression. There's less motivation because instance variables are better accessed symbolically. If you're not the accessor code then it's none of your business, and if you are a memoizing accessor then your specialist action doesn't really warrant an operator simply for golf. This isn't autovivification but Perl has that as an adjacent idea already, and all this adds up to the //= operator making a lot more idiomatic sense and holding more purpose in Perl than it does in Ruby.

> I don't think Ruby has this natively, but Rails adds it with Object#presence. > https://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/Object.html#method-i-pre...

It's not immediately obvious to me how one could use that to write a Ruby analogue of `a //= b`. If I understand correctly, it would still need to be the relatively verbose `a = a.present? ? a : b`. (I think even `a = a.presence || b` wouldn't work in case `a` was defined but nil, which is exactly the edge case the defined-or operator is meant to handle.)

I use this to memoize instance vars from time to time, whenever nil could be considered valid

    return x if defined? x

    x = ingest_stock_market
`defined?` won't evaluate the parameter either which is nice whereas things like blank? present? and presence do

> return x if defined? x

It's a natural pattern, and translates with obvious changes to Perl, but still `x = defined? x ? x : y` is longer than `x //= y`, so all I was meaning to say in my original comment was that I was surprised that Ruby didn't borrow the latter from Perl.

Not sure I understand this example from Perl but Ruby has ||= that checks for nil but not defined.

You can do

a ||= b

And if a is nil then it will get the value from b else it will remain with the current value

This really checks for true values, which is fine for nil and numbers. But it will fail you if you want to cache `false` or any falsey object.

We no longer use memoization except for older code.

New code has anything that needs to be memoized defined in the initialize method. This solves a lot of problems and Sorbet typing is what encouraged us to go this route.

Now there could be a branching problem - one branch will not need to call the expensive thing another would not. In reality I have found this never to be the case in our code base. May be different for your designs.

> My preferred approach to [thread safety] is to explicitly not think about thread safety, and delegate this concern to the caller.

Good call IMO. If I was the author then I’d implement this; it would mostly work for current use cases, would be a pain to maintain and impossible to extend. I learned something today.

I see no mention of object shape optimization and why and how excessive rose memoization (or just instance variables in general) can be expensive.

It would be nice if Ruby had a syntax for memoizing a method that would handle the nil/false case and update the shape at init time.

In a similar line, it would be nice if there were a way to predeclare instance variables so that there was a canonical place to put type annotations for instance variables. Ruby type checkers right now all invent their own ways of declaring the types of instance variables.

If Ruby supported something like

    class A
      def @instance_variable
      def self.@singleton_class_instance_variable
      def @@class_variable
as a way to pre-declare the object shape at class load time, it would be an obvious place to also let type checkers declare the types of these instance variables.

(Not saying that this specific syntax is ideal, but rather just that having some syntax for declaring instance variables at load time, not method run time, would solve both the "predetermined object shape" and "predetermined ivar types" problems.)

For those curious, this article is a good introduction to the topic:


There are only 1 hard problems in computer science: memoization and ... shoot what was it again?

There are only 2 hard problems in computer science:

1. Naming things

2. Memori^H^Hdamn it^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hization.

P.S. I see what you did there. You botched your cache invalidation, and so lost the answer.

3. Off-by-1 errors

Segmentation fault

There are 2 hard problems in ruby: cache invalidation and magic.

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