How much of this huge percent are people with bad eating habits and who over used salt for decades in the first place?
We should stop half assing solutions for symptoms when all we have to do is eat properly in the first place, diet coke doesn't solve diabetes, magic salt simulating spoons don't solve decades of bad choices.
Being fat is uncomfortable, lowers your life-expectancy and is something many people feel embarrased about. In movies and popular culture fat people are overwhelmingly shown in a negative light (stupid, greedy, impulsive).
All of which is to say: there are many many negative incentives for people to "eat properly" and obesity is still very common. Telling people to just get more disciplined is obviously not working.
(Also, obesity and addiction more generally has a large genetic component, so try to have some empathy)
> Telling people to just get more disciplined is obviously not working.
Ok so the solution is to give them a plastic spoon that simulates salt, which solves nothing, gotcha...
> there are many many negative incentives for people to "eat properly" and obesity is still very common.
And there are infinitely more incentives for food companies to make you fat and addicted at all cost, and many incentives for the pharmaceutical industry to have fat and unhealthy people they can sell "cures" to.
You can still eat as much salt as you like, not need to feel pathetic.