> That explains why Musk and now Zuckerberg are so happy to throw away the last concept of accountability that society tried to create in the last decades.
This is only a tiny part of the reason.
The main reason is that fact-checking works so well against the right, and has almost no benefit for the right.
Because almost everything the right says is a lie of one kind or another, but almost everything the left says is either mostly or wholly grounded in fact.
So “fact checking” is an almost useless tool for the right, since it rarely ever contradicts what the left says. And yet, the right can get very severely corrected by fact-checkers with almost everything they say.
Musk and Zuckerberg are killing fact checking because they NEED misinformation to carry the day. Because if we truly understood how badly the Parasite Class were bleeding the Working Class dry just for a few extra thousandths of a percentage point of wealth accumulation, we would all rise up and bring out the guillotines to dispose of them once and for all.
Misinformation is the way they control the working class.
Who do you think was employed as "fact checkers" and who paid them? If Zuck wanted biased misinformation, he could have hired people to push it as fact and fact-checked anyone else. It makes far more sense that "fact-checking" and related censorship is antithetical to the foundational principles of the US and a tool of oppression, so we are just going back to normal.
> It makes far more sense that "fact-checking" and related censorship is antithetical to the foundational principles of the US and a tool of oppression
I can't believe this sentence is written with full seriousness...
>I can't believe this sentence is written with full seriousness...
I would most emphatically say the same of yours. Have you heard of the First Amendment? What do you know about censorship? Seriously, the only reasonable way I can interpret your sentence is as being skeptical of Zuckerberg having a sudden urge to align himself with the freedoms most Americans take for granted. I agree, he's probably just trying to remain relevant and stay out of trouble.
As I said, if he wanted "misinformation" he could have hired anyone to be censors, to push exactly that. He didn't (at least on behalf of conservatives). I wouldn't approve of it even if it was in favor of views I like. Ideas need to stand on their own merit.
> Who do you think was employed as "fact checkers" and who paid them?
Legitimacy, or at least a thin veneer of it, so that the Biden administration wouldn’t force it upon them.
Because that was always in the cards - legislation that would legally force these companies to fact-check, or worse, for an outside bipartisan agency to do the fact-checking with no way for these companies to control the process.
>If Zuck wanted biased misinformation, he could have hired people to push it as fact and fact-checked anyone else.
Again, it had to look authentic. But Meta did the absolute minimum amount of fact-checking as possible. Just enough to appear like they were actually doing something constructive, to keep the administration from looking too deeply.
But now? Zuck is doing exactly that with AI accounts.
>It makes far more sense that "fact-checking" and related censorship is antithetical to the foundational principles of the US and a tool of oppression, so we are just going back to normal.
Checking to see if something is truthful is “antithetical to the USA and is oppression”??? That statement is misinformation _in of itself._
America is not built upon a foundation of lies and misinformation, but without fact-checking, that is exactly what Americans will get -- lies and misinformation. Because there is nothing to counteract lies and misinformation except concerted efforts to check them for factual accuracy. As in, fact-checking.
Maybe one day you will come to understand just how important facts are, and how critical it is to ALWAYS have them checked.
Because the only people afraid of fact checking are those who are threatened by facts. Just like how countries who fear the truth target journalists for elimination. There is no difference.
And the left loves facts. Because facts are a manifestation of reality, and the truth. Which is why checking for objective reality and truthfulness is so important for the left, and why the left is invariably unhurt by fact-checking.
> Because almost everything the right says is a lie of one kind or another, but almost everything the left says is either mostly or wholly grounded in fact.
I am not “right wing” by any definition but this is naive and bubbled to the point of ridiculousness. Very little political discourse on social media is grounded in fact regardless of the ideologies involved. Layman discussion based on headlines and vibes has no place in serious politics and the real danger of these platforms is that they’ve elevated that to the standard
Who deserves a voice then? The high priests of the media annointed by billions of dollars in funding? There has to be middle ground. If I have the right to print and sell a book about any political or technical topic, why can I not post on social media? Is the threat of people being heard and finding consensus really that bad? Unless these "laymen" are calling for lynchings or something, they have every right to be heard.
This is only a tiny part of the reason.
The main reason is that fact-checking works so well against the right, and has almost no benefit for the right.
Because almost everything the right says is a lie of one kind or another, but almost everything the left says is either mostly or wholly grounded in fact.
So “fact checking” is an almost useless tool for the right, since it rarely ever contradicts what the left says. And yet, the right can get very severely corrected by fact-checkers with almost everything they say.
Musk and Zuckerberg are killing fact checking because they NEED misinformation to carry the day. Because if we truly understood how badly the Parasite Class were bleeding the Working Class dry just for a few extra thousandths of a percentage point of wealth accumulation, we would all rise up and bring out the guillotines to dispose of them once and for all.
Misinformation is the way they control the working class.